There are 6 repositories under asynchronous-programming topic.
Drogon: A C++14/17/20 based HTTP web application framework running on Linux/macOS/Unix/Windows
A library of C++ coroutine abstractions for the coroutines TS
Modern concurrency for C++. Tasks, executors, timers and C++20 coroutines to rule them all
Decentralized deep learning in PyTorch. Built to train models on thousands of volunteers across the world.
Write great asynchronous code in Swift using futures and promises
Advanced Operations in Swift
Full stack application platform for building stateful microservices, streaming APIs, and real-time UIs
High-performance containers and utilities for concurrent and asynchronous programming
Chronos - An efficient library for asynchronous programming
Implementation of blocking (IO-Bound) cancellable java.util.concurrent.CompletionStage and related extensions to java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService-s
Asynchronous Image Loader for Unity
纯C语言高性能异步多任务多事件驱动的协程库| Pure C language high-performance asynchronous multi-task multi-event driven coroutine library.
Asynchronous operations (promises) for Unity3d.
A pythonic, asynchronous, inotify interface
One Line to throttle, debounce and delay: Say Goodbye to Reactive Programming such as RxSwift and Combine.
Declarative concurrency in Scala - The implementation of the chemical machine
Solitaire card game made in Unity using MVP, dependency injection, reactive and asynchronous programming.
Most.js based middleware for Redux. Handle async actions with monadic streams & reactive programming.
Flutter State Management [ setState ❖ StreamBuilder ❖ scoped_model ❖ redux ]
Process Multiple Asynchronous Tasks in Various Ways - One at a time / Batched / Rate limited / Concurrently
Crypto arbitrage bot
Ruby's missing Fiber Scheduler implementation.
Bu repoda aslında asenkron mesaj kuyruklarını hedef alan bir dağıtık sistem problemi oluşturmaya ve bu problemin çözümünü uygulamaya çalışıyorum.
Light-weight header-only library for parallel function calls and continuations in C++ based on Eric Niebler's talk at CppCon 2019.
Async / Await asynchronous programming model for Java versions 1.8 - 23; similar to the functionality available in C# 5. The implementation is based on continuations for Java (see my other projects).