There are 0 repository under astrophyics topic.
C++17 N-body Barnes-Hut on heterogeneous hardware architectures
Tools for 21cm Fisher forecasts with 21cmFAST
Impact of different temperature profiles and disc-to-star mass ratios on the disk's surface density profile when it reaches equilibrium
Creation of a Super Resolution GAN'S along astrophotography techniques to improve planetary images
Tool for efficient calculation of solar azimuth and elevation optimized for microcontrollers
Code of my Master's Thesis for Lund University with the title "Efficient discovery of binary stars".
Vježbe iz numeričkih metoda u astronomji. Predmet se drži na katedri za astronomiju i astrofiziku Matematičkog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu, u jesenjem semestru školske 2024/25.
a galaxy cluster catalogue obtained in directions of SZcat by applying deep learning method to ACT+Planck maps to detect Sunyaev-Zeldovich effect
This collision was observed over a time period of one billion years (10^9), which is the typical duration of collisions between two galaxies. The case of a collision between two identical spiral galaxies, which were stable when isolated, was examined. The galaxies are represented by an N-body system. The algorithm has time complexity of θ(n^2).
This easy-to-use program brings a new amazing Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD) directly to your desktop every day!