There are 2 repositories under andela topic.
Journal App is a project made during the #7DaysofCodeChallenge #AlcWithGoogle 3.0 #ALC (Andela Learning Community)
🏦💵Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.
🎓 All of my completed Android Nanodegree projects.
The fifth project from Udacity's Android Basics Nanodegree Course.
ALC project 2. Creating a "mini-netflix"
WeConnect is platform that allows customers to review businesses that they have interacted with
:books: A journal application where in users can pen down their thoughts and feelings submitted for the GoogleAfiricaScholarship "7 Days of code" challlenge offered by Udacity and powered by Andela Learning Community (ALC).
The sixth project from Udacity's Android Basics Nanodegree Course.
Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.
My Bootcamp ADC. Auto Mart is an online marketplace for automobiles of diverse makes, model or body type. With Auto Mart, users can sell their cars or buy from trusted dealerships or private sellers.
Easy access to top headlines as a PWA for Andela #ALCwithGoogle
Auto Mart is an online marketplace for automobiles of diverse makes, model or body type where users can sell their cars or buy from trusted dealerships or private sellers.
A project from the #7DaysofCodeChallenge on the Google Africa Challenge Scholarship/Udacity Android Basics Nanodegree.
Bringing services to you, even if you don't have a formal address.
Document Management System: The system manages documents, users and user roles. Each document defines access rights; the document defines which roles can access it. Also, each document specifies the date it was published.
This is a repository that contains all the certificates that I have earned from Udacity, Wesbos, Pluralsight, Google, etc.
Project for the ALC #5DaysofCodeChallenge
WayFarer is a public bus transportation booking server, where a client can book a trip, view all his/her bookings and can cancel any if necessary.
This is the Andela pre-interview and bootcamp challenge for cohort 20, Andela-Ke.
A RESTful API for the BucketList application using flask.
Api built with Python Flask Web Framework and Postgres backend for voting system
An ecommerce web app, specially built to help user(customer) find and order available resturants and available meal for the day. Vendors can also set up menu for the day and recieve orders
Kotlin version of the project for the ALC #5DaysofCodeChallenge
A medication reminder app that allows a user to monitor pills intake, set reminders regarding medication & the dosage.
Teamwork is an internal social network for employees of an organization. The goal of this application is to facilitate more interaction between colleagues and promote team bonding.
Andela Learning Community (ALC) 4.0 Phase 2 Challenge