marusoft / teamwork

Teamwork is an ​ internal social network for employees of an organization. The goal of this application is to facilitate more interaction between colleagues and promote team bonding.

Repository from Github https://github.commarusoft/teamworkRepository from Github https://github.commarusoft/teamwork

CircleCI Coverage Status Maintainability


Teamwork is an ​ internal social network for employees of an organization. The goal of this application is to facilitate more interaction between colleagues and promote team bonding.

API documentation:

Table of Content

API End Points


Below are the teamwork features app


  • Admin can create an employee user account.
  • Admin/Employees can sign in.
  • Employees can post gifs.
  • Employees can write and post articles.
  • Employees can edit their articles.
  • Employees can delete their articles.
  • Employees can delete their gifs post.
  • Employees can comment on other colleagues' article post.
  • Employees can comment on other colleagues' gif post.
  • Employees can view all articles and gifs, showing the most recently posted articles or gifs first.
  • Employees can view a specific article.
  • Employees can view a specific gif post.

Optional Features

  • Employees can view all articles that belong to a category (tag).
  • Employees can flag a comment, article and/or gif as inappropriate.
  • Admin can delete a comment, article and/or gif flagged as inappropriate.


Modern JavaScript technologies were adopted in this project

ES2015: Also known as ES6 or ECMASCRIPT 6, is a new and widely used version of Javascript that makes it compete healthily with other languages. See here for more infromation.

NodeJS: Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment which allows you enjoy the features of Javascript off the web browsers and implement server-side web development. Visit here for more information.

ExressJS: This is the web application framework for Node.js Visit here for more information

Postgres Database: PostgreSQL is a powerful, open source object-relational database system with over 30 years of active development that has earned it a strong reputation for reliability, feature robustness, and performance.

Codes are written in accordance with Airbnb JavaScript style guide, see here for details.


  1. Clone this repository into your local machine:
  1. Navigate into the cloned repository in your machine:
cd teamwork
  1. Install dependencies by running.
npm install
  1. Create a .env file in the root directory and setup your database credentials and token key. Check .env.example for instruction.

  2. Start the application by running

npm run start:dev
  1. Install postman to test all endpoints


  • run test using npm run test

API Routes

POST api/v1/auth/create-user Create a user
POST api/v1/auth/signin Login a user
POST api/v1/gifs Employees can post gifs.
DELETE api/v1/gifs/<:gifId> Employees can delete their gifs post.
POST api/v1/gifs/<:gifId>/comment Employees can comment on other colleagues' gif post.
GET api/v1/gifs/<:gifId> Employees can view a specific gif post.
POST api/v1/articles Employees can write and post articles.
DELETE api/v1/articles/<:articleId> Employees can delete their articles.
POST api/v1/articles/<:articleId/comment Employees can comment on other colleagues' article post.
GET api/v1/articles/<:articleId> Employees can view a specific article post.
PATCH api/v1/articles/<:articleId> Employees can edit their articles.
GET api/v1/articles?category=category> Employees can view all articles that belong to a category (tag).
GET api/v1/articles Employees can view all articles.
GET api/v1/feed Employees can view all articles and gifs, showing the most recently posted articles or gifs first.


  • Alimi Kehinde Morufudeen


Teamwork is an ​ internal social network for employees of an organization. The goal of this application is to facilitate more interaction between colleagues and promote team bonding.

License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 99.6%Language:Shell 0.4%