timi-codes / Banka

🏦💵Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.

Repository from Github https://github.comtimi-codes/BankaRepository from Github https://github.comtimi-codes/Banka

Banka Logo

Banka · Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability

Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.

Getting Started

Project Links







UI Template for the application can be found here Github pages.

Pivotal Tracker Stories can found here Pivotal tracker.

Application was deployed to Heroku. Use public URL https://banka-timi.herokuapp.com with API endpoints.

API Documenttion was generated with swagger.


  • Node.js A run time environment based off Chrome's v8 Engines for writing Javascript server-side applications.
  • Express.js - Web application framework based on Node.js.
  • ESLint - A pluggable and configurable linter tool for identifying and reporting on patterns in JavaScript.
  • Airbnb style guide was followed.


  • Postman is the only complete API development environment, and flexibly integrates with the software development cycle.
  • Testing
    • Mocha A javascript testing framework.
    • Chai A test assertion library for Javascript.
  • Swagger is an open-source software framework backed by a large ecosystem of tools that helps developers design, build, document, and consume RESTful Web services
  • Pivotal Tracker is the agile project management tool of choice for developers around the world for real-time collaboration around a shared, prioritized backlog.
  • Heroku is a platform as a service (PaaS) that enables developers to build, run, and operate applications entirely in the cloud.
  • Travis CI is a hosted, distributed continuous integration service used to build and test software projects hosted at GitHub.
  • Coveralls consolidates the results from a suite of static analysis tools into a single, real-time report, giving your team the information it needs to identify hotspots, evaluate new approaches, and improve code quality(from crunch base).


Getting started

  • You need to have Node and NPM installed on your computer.
  • Installing Node automatically comes with npm.


  • Clone this project to your local machine https://github.com/timi-codes/Banka.git


  • Installing the project dependencies

    Run the command below

    $ npm install
  • Start your node server

    run the command below

    $ npm start
  • Use http://localhost:7778 as base url for endpoints


POST Sign up for an account /api/v1/auth/signup Request Body
POST Sign in to an account /api/v1/auth/signin Request Body
POST Create a bank account /api/v1/accounts Request Body
GET Staff's can Get all accounts /api/v1/accounts Request Body
GET Get a specific account /api/v1/accounts/:accountNumber
PATCH Activate or deactive an account /api/v1/accounts/:accountNumber Request Body
DELETE Delete an account /api/v1/accounts/:accountNumber
POST Perform a debit transaction /api/v1/transactions/{accountNumber}/debit Request Body
POST Perform a credit transaction /api/v1/transactions/{accountNumber}/credit Request Body

Running Unit Test

  • Run test for all endpoints

    run the command below

    $ npm test




🏦💵Banka is a light-weight core banking application that powers banking operations like account creation, customer deposit and withdrawals.


Language:JavaScript 52.1%Language:HTML 28.4%Language:CSS 19.5%