There are 1 repository under addressable-leds topic.
An addressable LED 3D mapper
Remora udpx listens to UDP short commands to trigger LED Animations. Receives ; commands from ORCΛ
EPS32 dev board for WLED project and many more
C# library used to change lights connected to MSI motherboard programmatically using the Mystic Light SDK
WLED ESP32 pico board
Control RGB Leds of a Kingston Fury Beast/Renegade DDR5 RAM
How to make a sound reactive RGB LED strip with Arduino
A wall of addressable LEDs inspired by the Netflix series Stranger Things that displays messages from Twitter.
Pixel Spork is an Arduino library for controlling addressable LEDs. It aims to streamline the use of the popular WS2812 (and other) addressable LEDs by providing a wide variety of rich, class-based, effects and utilities.
NeoPixel LED Controller | NeoPixel LED 控制器 | 基於MAX10 FPGA的音樂全彩光立方LED控制器
A low-cost, wireless-powered & carrier-transmission based RGB LED Proof-of-Concept
Uses MIDI signals to trigger geometrical drawings in RGB Led matrixes using FastLED and ESP32
A wireless, ESP32 controlled, addressable RGB LED strip server (UDP streaming & JSON API)
LED Light Server & Effects Library
WS2812B programmable LED strip over WiFi powered by ESP8266
Addressable LED strip driven by Loxone
✅ This library is designed to control multiple LEDs with various effects for your AGV (Autonomous Guided Vehicle) projects. It includes effects like charging, moving to a charging station, and more. It’s optimized for use with Arduino boards and WS2812 or similar LED strips.
Addressable led (ws2811,ws212b,SK6812RGBW) frame grabber hardware and neoLED virtual viewer as per any given layout
PCBs to make aperiodic penrose tilings with addressable LEDs
Web UI for Redshift LED effects server
ESP RainMaker Agent for firmware development - Fork to add more examples
Using two node MCU ESP8266 modules and adressable RGB LED strip, visualize music, display animated flags, and more.
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Zeugma aracı için yazdığım sağ sinyal, sol sinyal, stop ve dörtlü ledlerinin kodları. Adreslenebilir led ve arduino.
Home Assistant integration for Pixie LED controllers.
WS2812B Addressable LEDs Control using Arduino.
Light painting tool with addressable LEDs
python and nodejs code to pilot a-rgb leds with spi port on non raspberry boards
Raspberry Pi project for addressable LEDs reactive to audio and controlled by a web page.
A very simple solution for Art-Net based pixel controller.
A simple addressable LED strip control program for Raspberry Pi that takes control commands over a HTTP REST API.
Simple arduino firmware to control the addressable RGB LEDs