This repository includes the AGV ROS Noetic packages."main" branch is latest version of AGV-OTA.
- agv_description: It is the sub-package containing urdf and mesh files of the AGV.
- agv_simulation: It is a sub-package containing the package and launch files required for the simulation of the AGV.
- agv_slam: It is a sub-package containing the slam_gmapping launch files.
- agv_navigation: It is a sub-package containing the navigation launch and config files.
- (NEW) agv_multirobot: It is a sub-package containing the AGV-OTA multirobot application files.
Before using launch commands, you must unzip ~/agv/agv_description/meshes/OTAv07_meshes/OTA-v0.7.tar.xz file..
Gazebo Launching:
$ roslaunch agv_simulation agv_gazebo_emptyworld.launch
Gazebo (Depo Map) Launching:
$ roslaunch agv_simulation agv_gazebo_depo.launch
Solo-Rviz Launching:
$ roslaunch agv_simulation agv_rviz_standalone.launch
Rviz (with Gazebo) Launching:
$ roslaunch agv_simulation agv_rviz.launch
SLAM Mapping Launching (must work with Gazebo and RViz Launching):
$ roslaunch agv_slam agv_slam.launch
Navigation Launching:
$ roslaunch agv_navigation agv_navigation.launch
In order for the "joint_state_publisher" to work, "joint_state_publisher_gui" package must be downloaded to your computer.
$ sudo apt update && sudo apt install ros-noetic-joint-state-publisher-gui
In order for the "joint_state_controller" to work, "joint_state_controller_gui" package must be downloaded to your computer.
$ sudo apt install ros-noetic-ros-controllers
In order for the SLAM to work, "slam_gmapping" package must be downloaded to your workspace.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src && git clone -b melodic-devel
In order for the sensors to work properly, "gazebo_ros_pkgs" files must be downloaded to your computer.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs
In order for the navigation tools to work properly, "ros-navigation" files must be downloaded to your computer.
$ sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-ros-navigation
In order for the multirobot applications to work properly, "robot_state_publisher" package must be downloaded to your workspace.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src && git clone -b noetic-devel
- First version
Added AGV-OTA multirobot functionality with "agv_multirobot" subpackage.
Some bug fixes.
For Multirobot Launching:
$ roslaunch agv_multirobot agv_multirobot.launch
For basic application of AGV-OTA Multirobots:
$ rosrun agv_multirobot
Bug fixes on "agv_multirobot" subpackage about "tf_prefix" and "robot_state_publisher"
In order for the multirobot applications to work properly, "robot_state_publisher" package must be downloaded to your workspace.
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src && git clone -b noetic-devel