There are 0 repository under webdrivermanager topic.
Open Source Bulk Auto Gmail Creator Bot with Selenium & Seleniumwire ( Python ). Feel free to contact me with Django/Flask, ML, AI, GPT, Automation, Scraping.
Automatic Selenium Webdriver binaries management for .Net
JUnit tests with Selenium WebDriver and WebDriverManager
A Maven plugin that will download the WebDriver stand alone server executables for use in your mavenised Selenium project.
an example selenium test project
Selenium based discord OTP forcer
Selenium BDD Java TestNG & Cucumber framework. Including Allure Report, SlackBot, Parallel Testing, BrowserStack, WebDriverManager, SeleniumGrid Fake&Mock data.
SpecFlow WebDriver instances generator plugin. Annotate scenario with @Browser:Chrome and run you tests!
Selenium Serenity Junit Template, Compatible with Maven or Gradle
Fast and simple webdriver installation
Example of using JUnit5 with selenide, allure and webdrivermanager
Example project for ATA Seleniumsummit21 CP-SAT
Unofficial Java-based Wrapper for Spotify Rest API using only Retrofit, GSON, Selenium and WebDriver Manager (to generate access tokens)!
How to read QR Code content from a web app using Selenium and Zxing
Example skeleton for quick start with Selenium WebDriver and TestNG on Java
Selenium Junit Template, Compatible with Maven or Gradle
Scrape ForexFactory
A demo project that automates all web browsers using Selenium and Gauge in Java.
Testing DemoNopCommerce using database testing
Selenium Automation Framework
Selenium Ruby Unit Test Template with Page Object Model
A simple UI Test Automation project of 'The Internet' website using Selenium WebDriver with Java binding.
Example of maven project using Selenium WebDriver and WebDriverManager as Agent
A framework for automation of Web UI testing using Selenium, Allure and some other tools.
A simple and easy way to spin-up any automated browser session in any platform.
Selenium Cucumber Junit Template, Compatible with Maven or Gradle
Selenium Kotlin Junit Template, Compatible with Maven or Gradle
A light-weight selenium-java based UI automation framework, providing basic implementation of components but flexible enough to customize for specific needs.
Java Automation project template. Junit4. Allure2. WDM. Selenide. Logger.
A demo project that automates all web browsers using Selenium and Gauge in Kotlin.
This is the demo project to spin-up any automated browser session in any platform using MaxSoft-WebDriver Manager.