There are 0 repository under internetexplorer topic.
Run Internet Explorer 8/9/10/11/MS-Edge Virtual machines from Microsoft under Linux via VirtualBox.
Automatic Selenium Webdriver binaries management for .Net
A license created to expel Internet Explorer; the enemy of all, especially front-end developers.
This batch file will remove all cookies from the most popular web browser
Main Library written on python to execute functional tests throught selenium API coded down w3c webdriver specification
Custom ghost image support for HTML5 Drag & Drop in Internet Explorer
QALAB, proyect manager for QA open source proyects, managing selenium, appium, selendroid drivers
Bypass "Internet Explorer 11 is No Longer Supported" and launch it to use websites that requires it. 绕过 “不再支持 Internet Explorer 11”,强制启动 IE11 以使用依赖于 IE 的网站
Fixes Microsoft Edge starting instead of Internet Explorer
Testing Microsoft Edge IE Mode
TrustIE allows to edit Trusted Sites zone in Internet Explorer while avoiding security policies. Also allows to edit sites in Java Exceptions. TrustIE requires administrator rights.
IEChooser is a debugger (DevTools - F12) for Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge's IE mode!
One UI Automation Tool for Web , Mobile , DataBase and Services(REST,SOAP) automation.
native JavaScript implementation of the jQuery bgiframe plugin. use this to make Flash objects obey the browser's z-index
Performance analysis of JavaScript execution via WebDriver
A bash script to run a selenium-server instance in "standalone", "node" or "hub" mode with the supported drivers of the platform running the script.
Download google chrome without internet explorer