venkat2789 / selenium-java-lite

A light-weight selenium-java based UI automation framework, providing basic implementation of components but flexible enough to customize for specific needs.

Repository from Github https://github.comvenkat2789/selenium-java-liteRepository from Github https://github.comvenkat2789/selenium-java-lite


Why the framework was created?

When working on personal projects, we may often come across situations where we need a quick start framework which implements the basic components but doesn't overdo things and make it too complex to customize. The idea behind selenium-java-lite - a lightweight selenium-java based UI automation framework is to do exactly that. While it implements the necessary components for a personal project, it keeps it simple and flexible to be customized and re-configured as per needs.

How this is useful?

Consider this as a starting point for a larger project. It has the essential components (of course, not all) for an UI automation project. Extend it as needed. Examples:

  • Run in firefox/edge instead of chrome? - update the
  • Add more pages/tests? - just create the classes.
  • Add more tests? - create more @Test methods in your test classes.
  • Run multi tests/run tests in parallel? - configure in testng.xml
  • Want more control over test runs? - configure testng.xml and/or pom.xml.
  • Run via maven? - use maven commands from CLI
  • Run via jenkins? - create a jenkins job, trigger via maven commands/auto-trigger based on GIT commits, its all possible.
  • Want logs in a separate file for each run? - configure in log4j2.xml.

How to get started?

Start by Forking the repository.

What are the components of the framework?

Below are the tech-stack used:


  • manage dependencies and plugins, integrate with CI/CD tools


  • test configurations in testng.xml, annotations, data provider, listeners - e.g. capturing screenshot on failure

Properties file

  • maintain global properties


  • test pages, page objects, page factory


  • separate driver config - uses WebDriverManager
  • separate utilities class
  • multi data (using testng data provider) extendable horizontally and vertically
  • multi browser (using properties)


  • for logging (both console and file)


  • integration options


  • integration options


  • native testng report and surefire-reports included
  • can be extended to Extent/Allure reports

How this can be extended further?

  • cloud integration (BrowserStack, SauceLabs etc.)
  • data management in Excel, DB using Apache POI, JDBC


A light-weight selenium-java based UI automation framework, providing basic implementation of components but flexible enough to customize for specific needs.

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:HTML 70.2%Language:CSS 15.1%Language:JavaScript 8.6%Language:Java 6.1%