osandadeshan / gauge-selenium-java-web-ui-automation

A demo project that automates all web browsers using Selenium and Gauge in Java.

Repository from Github https://github.comosandadeshan/gauge-selenium-java-web-ui-automationRepository from Github https://github.comosandadeshan/gauge-selenium-java-web-ui-automation

Gauge Selenium Java Web UI Automation

This project serves as a boilerplate for automating web applications across various browsers and environments using Gauge and Selenium.

Gauge Selenium Java Web UI Automation CI


  1. Java
  2. Maven

How to install Gauge core

Follow the instructions mentioned in Installing Gauge in the official Gauge Documentation

How to install Gauge plugins

  1. Open Command Prompt and execute following commands.

    gauge install java

    gauge install html-report

    gauge install json-report

    gauge install xml-report

    gauge install spectacle

    gauge install flash

  2. You can check the installation using the following command.

    gauge -v

Note: If the installation is success, it will output like this:

    Gauge version: <version number>
    flash (<version number>)
    html-report (<version number>)
    java (<version number>)
    json-report (<version number>)
    spectacle (<version number>)
    xml-report (<version number>)

Executing specifications

General specs execution

  • Run the below command to execute all specifications in specs directory

    mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir=specs
  • Run the below command to execute a single specification

    mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir=specs/example.spec
  • Run the below command to execute specifications in specs and specDir directories

    mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir="specs,specDir"
  • Run the below command to execute the failed scenarios

    mvn gauge:execute -Dflags="--failed"
  • Run the below command to execute the repeat scenarios

    mvn gauge:execute -Dflags="--repeat"

Note: mvn test-compile should be used for the tool to get latest changes of user code.

Execute specs In parallel

mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir=specs -DinParallel=true

Execute specs by tags expression

mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir=specs -Dtags="!in-progress"

Execute spec by scenario name

mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir=specs -Dscenario="Scenario Name"

Specifying execution environment

mvn gauge:execute -DspecsDir=specs -Denv="dev"

Execute specs as a part of maven test phase

Run gauge specs in project as a part of maven test phase by adding the below execution to yor pom.xml


mvn test command will also run gauge specs if the above mentioned execution is added to the projects pom.xml

Validate specs in project

  • Run the below command to execute all specifications in specs directory

    mvn gauge:validate -DspecsDir=specs
  • Run the below command to validate and ignore stub implementation suggestions

    mvn gauge:validate -Dflags="--hide-suggestion"

Execute specs as a part of maven test-compile phase

Validate gauge specs in project as a part of maven test-compile phase by adding the below execution to yor pom.xml


Running both validate and execute goals as part of maven

Add the following execution to pom.xml to run both goals:


All Properties

The following plugin properties can be additionally set:

Property name Usage Description
specsDir -DspecsDir=specs Gauge specs directory path. Required for executing specs. Takes a comma separated list of specification files/directories
tags -Dtags="tag1 & tag2" Filter specs by specified tags expression
inParallel -DinParallel=true Execute specs in parallel
nodes -Dnodes=3 Number of parallel execution streams. Use with parallel
env -Denv=qa gauge env to run against
flags -Dflags="--verbose,--simpleConsole" Add additional gauge flags to execution

Internet Explorer 11 configurations for a Windows machine

  1. Open "Registry Editor" (Windows Key + R → Type regedit → Press Enter).

  2. For 32-bit Windows installations, the key you must examine in the registry editor is

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BFCACHE

  3. For 64-bit Windows installations, the key is

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\FeatureControl\FEATURE_BFCACHE

  4. Please note that the "FEATURE_BFCACHE" sub key may or may not be present, and should be created if it is not present.

  5. Inside this key, create a "DWORD" value named "iexplore.exe" with the value of "0".

  6. Go to "Internet Options" on Internet Explorer.

  7. Go to "Security" tab.

  8. Check "Enable Protected Mode" for all zones (Internet, Local intranet, Trusted sites and Restricted sites).

  9. Click on "Apply" button.

  10. Click on "OK" button.

Note: Tested using a Windows 10 Core i7 Machine.


A demo project that automates all web browsers using Selenium and Gauge in Java.


Language:Java 96.9%Language:Ruby 3.1%