There are 0 repository under junit-5 topic.
This repository aims to bridge the gap between JUnit 5 and Robolectric, enabling developers to leverage the benefits of both frameworks for unit testing Android applications. While Robolectric currently lacks a dedicated JUnit 5 extension, this project proposes a community-driven solution to achieve seamless integration.
JUnit 5 Quick Start Guide and collection of examples for frameworks used in conjunction with JUnit 5
JUnit 5 runner for Scalatest
A framework for capturing log statements during tests. Compatible with most popular logging frameworks. Works with JUnit and TestNG
Car Rental Project Using Spring Boot And MySQL
Backend em Java 11 de um Sistema Bancário de exemplo para prática de Testes com JUnit 5 🏦☕️🧪
A Guide to JUnit 5 with examples
Experimental migration of `ConditionalIgnoreRule` and `TemporaryFolder` to JUnit 5 extensions
Example of using JUnit5 with selenide, allure and webdrivermanager
Creation of a simple JavaBean component. The purpose of this repository is educational
Test login function with Selenium & JUnit 5
It's a comprehensive testing project aimed at thoroughly testing a Todo application. It includes testing for both the backend and frontend components. The project is built using a Spring Boot backend server and an HTML/JavaScript frontend.
All coursework for the Java Masterclass, learning Java 8 and Java 9 core development, including mob programming sessions with the Java Community and code challenges. Joined this community in support of my training at work, the Java Academy @ LCM.
Examples of Junit 5 Test on Dynamic test & Spring Boot etc. </br> 使用Junit 5 进行单元测试的各种用例
Spring Boot RESTful API with OpenAPI documentation
Various Spring Boot prototype projects
💻 Criando um Jogo a partir de um projeto no curso da Cod3r de Java.
Virtual Store of Video Games, Books and DVDs with graphic interface
Starter kit samples for junit5
Spring Boot RESTful API operating on city-related data
Spring Boot RESTful API operating on pet-related data
android project for unit testing
Backend for an imaginary donut shop.
My JUnit 5 Jupiter investigation process of problem how to successfully run JUnit 5 Jupiter and JUnit 4 Vintage tests together in mixed Java + Kotlin maven projects
Reactive TDD... WebFlux, Mongo, StepVerifier...
A simple Selenium framework offering externalised configuration, good selection of libraries for supporting test data, simple WebDriver browser binary resolution and an opinionated approach for WebDriver test design.
Simple bracket formatter for mathematics equations
I present here a microservice-oriented application that uses some basic Docker features including docker-compose. It consists of a collection of separate servers all running in Docker containers. MongoDB is used for persistence and also runs in a container.
Desafio de testes de API com Reqres.
Whatsapp-Like Application, Chat room
It's an imaginary backend application that mimics the working of PVR cinemas. It's an individual project in which I have worked with Java, SpringBoot, JPA, Hibernate, JWT Tokens, Spring Security, Maven, JUnit 5, and MySql as Backend.