There are 1 repository under vigem topic.
Parsec Soda is a custom open-source game streaming app that integrates with Parsec API and is focused in Host experience.
Windows kernel-mode driver for controlling access to various input devices.
XB2X: User-mode Windows driver for Xbox OG controllers, supporting both XInput and DirectInput.
Advanced Xbox controller emulation for DualSense, DualShock 4, Pro Controller, Joy-Cons / Продвинутая эмуляция Xbox геймпада для DualSense, DualShock 4, Pro контроллера, Джойконов
✨ Free and OpenSource Steam Remote Play 🎮 Alternative powered by WebRTC 🌐and Web APIs
Remote Gaming Application in Go using WebRTC for low latency
Basically DS4Windows but for the DualSense
Turns your PS Vita into (almost) a DualShock 4
Do everything you ever dreamed of with a joystick, gamepad or two at once. DualShock™ and DualSense™, DirectInput, XInput, keyboard and mouse, to DirectOutput(vJoy), XOutput(ViGEm), keyboard and mouse, with full remapping and features for Windows 64 bits.
Emulates an Xbox 360 Controller from a Stadia Controller
[Project Suspended] A lightweight tool to use DualSense on Windows based on ViGEm. Supports Adaptive Triggers for GTA V.
A ViGEm client to use your phone as a controller for TrackMania
A tool to unify controllers into a single output.
A personal project, to make the RB3 Xbox 360 keyboard usable with other programs while connected to an Xbox 360 receiver.
Xbox gamepad emulator for Logitech Wingman with Xbox external pedals / Эмулятор Xbox геймпада для руля, с внешними Arduino педалями
Xbox Gamepad Emulation for DInput Controllers / Эмуляция геймпада Xbox для контроллеров DInput
Xbox emulator for SNES USB controller / Xbox эмулятор для SNES USB контроллера