There are 23 repositories under nintendo-switch-hacking topic.
The new All-in-One CFW package for the Nintendo Switch.
My first Android app: Launch Fusée Gelée payloads from stock Android (CVE-2018-6242)
This is a collection of cheat codes for use with Team Xecuter's SXOS CFW on Nintendo Switch
a Nintendo Switch GUI homebrew for switching Tencent HOS features from/to global version
A small app to reboot 1.0 Switches into RCM mode
Nintendo Switch custom game icons, icon repo for NX-GiC
Control and automate Nintendo Switch from a browser. A tool developed with React and Arduino.
require homebrew on your Nintendo Switch for this code to work.
Thank you to Joshua Tee for this app!
GUI-Based desktop switch payload launcher based on a modified reswitched injector
sys-module to remote controll your nintendo switch and build automated bots/applications using http
For FDGH files from HAL Laboratory games
Hekate and Atmosphere only
Want .uf2 files for your switch hacking needs? ask and link to the .bin payload you want, and I may get to it in my free time. I understand many don't want to learn to do it themselves, but I did, and I am willing to help. (mainly meant for the dongle but I'm almost sure that it will work for any dongle and/or internal mod)
download current weather and show you Temp, Weather Icon, and description of weather.
Emulation-based testing for Nintendo Switch reimplementations
Weather and Moon phase app for Nintendo Switch
a Nintendo Switch homebrew for switching Tencent features from/to global version
A payload injector for Nintendo Switch on MacOS with a GUI. Full native implementation using Swift.
Automated All-in-One (AIO) custom firmware and homebrew packages for modded Nintendo Switch devices.
A lightweight, ready-to-use custom firmware package for the Nintendo Switch.
A new working progress CFW (Pack) for Nintendo Switch.
A tool made in Flutter to unify the existing RCM/Fusee-Gelee apps.
Repo to track Atmosphere splash submissions
Redirects the eShop's error page (when using a dns to block Nintendo's servers, for example 90DNS) to a custom domain.
Internal Fusee Launcher for the Adafruit Trinket M0
Research on ACNH pattern data for fixing some editor bugs.
Builds of sys-tweak module for Nintendo Switch CFW
🚀 GUI payload chainloader for Nintendo Swtich.
🎮😕 Brewfuck: A Brainfuck editor and interpreter for the Nintendo Switch.