There are 0 repository under springdoc-openapi topic.
Library for OpenAPI 3 with spring-boot
The goal of this project is to secure movies-app using Keycloak (with PKCE). movies-app consists of two applications: one is a Spring Boot Rest API called movies-api and another is a React application called movies-ui.
The goal of this project is to implement an application called movie-app to manage movies. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called movie-api and a font-end React application called movie-ui. Besides, we will use OAuth2 (Social Login) to secure both applications.
The goal of this project is to implement an application called order-app to manage orders. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called order-api and a font-end React application called order-ui. Besides, we will use JWT Authentication to secure both applications.
The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, called simple-service, and secure it with Keycloak. Furthermore, the API users will be loaded into Keycloak from OpenLDAP server.
A highly opinionated and complete template for Spring Boot projects ready for production
Project goal: Explore Kafka, Kafka Connect, and Kafka Streams. Components: store-api: Inserts/updates MySQL records. Source Connectors: Monitor MySQL changes, push messages to Kafka. Sink Connectors: Listen to Kafka, insert/update Elasticsearch docs. store-streams: Listens to Kafka, processes with Kafka Streams, pushes new messages to Kafka.
The goal of this project is to implement a "News" processing pipeline composed of five Spring Boot applications: producer-api, categorizer-service, collector-service, publisher-api and news-client.
The goal of this project is to implement an application called book-app to manage books. For it, we will implement a back-end Spring Boot application called book-api and a font-end React application called book-ui. Besides, we will use Basic Authentication to secure both applications.
Experiment with Kafka, Debezium, and ksqlDB. research-service: Performs MySQL record manipulation. Source Connectors: Monitor MySQL changes, push messages to Kafka. Sink Connectors and kafka-research-consumer: Listen to Kafka, insert/update Elasticsearch. ksqlDB-Server: Listens to Kafka, performs joins, and pushes new messages to new Kafka topics.
The goal of this project is to implement two Spring Boot applications: bitcoin-api and bitcoin-client. The bitcoin-api application simulates BTC price changes, while the bitcoin-client application listens to these changes and updates a real-time UI. The bitcoin-client UI is secured using Basic Authentication.
The goals of this project are to: 1) Create a Spring Boot application that manages books, called book-service; 2) Use Keycloak as OpenID Connect provider; 3) Test using Testcontainers; 4) Explore the utilities and annotations that Spring Boot provides for testing applications.
The goal of this project is to create a simple Spring Boot REST API, named 'simple-service,' and secure it using the Spring Security LDAP module. Additionally, Testcontainers will be utilized for integration testing.
Spring Boot and Swagger 3 example - configuration for API description / response example - Swagger annotations with OpenAPI 3
The goal is to explore Axon. We will develop a food-ordering app comprising 3 Spring Boot applications: customer-service, restaurant-service, and food-ordering-service. These services are implemented with CQRS and Event Sourcing, utilizing the Axon Framework. They connect to axon-server, which serves as the Event Store and Message Routing solution.
The goal of this project is to study the JPA relationships: one-to-one, one-to-many / many-to-one, and many-to-many.
A Spring Boot 3 RESTful API for managing departments and employees. Features include CRUD operations, Excel/PDF reporting with JasperReport, async email sending with Thymeleaf, Dockerized PostgreSQL, and database migrations with Flyway. Enhanced with Swagger documentation, and tested using JUnit 5, Mockito, and Testcontainers.
Goal: create a Spring Boot application that handles users using Event Sourcing. So, whenever a user is created, updated, or deleted, an event informing this change is sent to Kafka. Also, we will implement another application that listens to those events and saves them in Cassandra. Finally, we will use Testcontainers for end-to-end testing.
The goal of this project is to explore GraphQL. For it, we will implement two microservices: author-book-api and book-review-api.
The goal of this project is to explore the capabilities of Vault. To achieve this, we will develop applications that utilize Vault for storing and retrieving secrets. Vault dynamically generates credentials for accessing databases and relies on Consul as the backend. The authentication method employed in Vault is AppRole.
The goal of this project is to play with Spring WebFlux on client and server side. For it, we will implement some Spring Boot Java Web applications, product-api, customer-api, order-api and client-shell, and use reactive NoSQL database like Cassandra, MongoDB, Postgres and MySQL.
A demo project demonstrating how to read and write data into a Redis-backed state store using Kafka Streams.
Goals: Implement an Ethereum Smart Contract called SoccerManager and deploy it to Ethereum Blockchain running locally; Implement 2 Spring Boot BE applications, ethereum-api and player-api, that uses Web3j to communicate with Ethereum blockchain; Implement 2 React FE applications, ethereum-ui and player-ui, that communicate to their respective BE.
The goal of this project is to play with HTTPS and enable it in Spring Boot applications. For it, we will implement a Spring Boot Rest API that will have its endpoints ready to accept and server over HTTPS. Furthermore, a Spring Boot Shell Java application and a Frontend React application will be implemented to consume movies-api.
A sample RESTful API with Kafka Streams (2.6.0) using Spring Boot (2.3.3) and Java 14.
In this project, we will use LocalStack to locally simulate some services provided by AWS Cloud such as: DynamoDB, Lambda, SNS and SQS. Additionally, to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we will use Spring Cloud AWS.
The goal of this project is to implement an application called product-app. It consists of two Spring Boot services: product-api (backend) and product-ui (frontend). Data will be stored in Elasticsearch
The goal of this project is to implement an application where a user can manage (create/read/update/delete) jobs. For it, we will create: a backend Restful API called jobs-api and a frontend user interface called jobs-ui. Furthermore, we will use Okta to secure the complete application.
In this project, we will use LocalStack to locally simulate some services provided by AWS Cloud such as OpenSearch, S3, and Secrets Manager. Additionally, to simplify the use of AWS managed services, we will use Spring Cloud AWS.
The goal of this project is to study JPA Batch Processing (i.e, insert / update / delete a set of records in a single command) and JPA Locking.
Secure REST API with OAuth2 JWT Authentication
A sample RESTful API using Spring Boot (2.3.2) and Java 14 with Swagger enabled.
❤️🔥 Spring Boot 3 template project pre-configured with REST API, PostgreSQL, static analysis tools and testing environment.
PostgreSQL, Zipkin, Prometheus, Grafana, Redis, Kafka and New Relic Integrations with Spring Boot 3, Java 21, and Docker. Integration Tests with Testcontainers for Controller. Unit Tests for Service, and Mapper with Junit 5, and Mockito