There are 1 repository under spring-cloud-openfeign topic.
The goal of this project is to implement a "News" processing pipeline composed of five Spring Boot applications: producer-api, categorizer-service, collector-service, publisher-api and news-client.
A shopping application designed with microservices architecture
The goal of this project is to explore GraphQL. For it, we will implement two microservices: author-book-api and book-review-api.
使用 java11 的 http client 作为 spring cloud 的 http 底层工具,主要是适配 h2c
Spring Kubernetes Microservice example
A simple RESTful API application to perform CRUD operations using Spring Boot, Kotlin, Gradle, H2 database and Java 11
Dapr SpringBoot Starter - Let the Dapr works just like what Spring Cloud does.
Spring Cloud 远程调用OpenFeign入门和实战
Desenvolvendo uma API RESTful e consumindo serviços HTTP de forma elegante em sua aplicação com o Spring Cloud OpenFeign.
Microservices demo with Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, FeignClient and Zipkin
Monitoring Spring MSA example (release train-2021.01)
Monorepo microservices with Spring Boot
Full microservices environment with Api-Gateway, Service Discovery, Config Server and two microservices with Load Balance
Simple microservice app using Spring Boot
Microservices architecture with Spring Cloud
🏢 Interview: A simple Spring-based REST client & server calculating the shortest route between countries.
Learning the basics of Spring Cloud Config, Eureka, OpenFeign, Load Balancer
Comic Book Reviews é uma API REST que reúne reviews de Comics e dá uma avalização geral para cada edição com base nas pontuações individuais dos revisores. Os usuários podem postar suas próprias resenhas e/ou avaliações de Comics que serão levadas em consideração ao calcular a avaliação geral de uma edição.
Learn the basics of microservices with Spring Cloud.