ivangfr / https-springboot-react

The goal of this project is to play with HTTPS and enable it in Spring Boot applications. For it, we will implement a Spring Boot Rest API that will have its endpoints ready to accept and server over HTTPS. Furthermore, a Spring Boot Shell Java application and a Frontend React application will be implemented to consume movies-api.

Repository from Github https://github.comivangfr/https-springboot-reactRepository from Github https://github.comivangfr/https-springboot-react


The goal of this project is to play with HTTPS and enable it in Spring Boot applications. For it, we will implement a Spring Boot REST API, called movies-api that will have its endpoints ready to accept and server over HTTPS. Furthermore, a Spring Boot Shell Java application, called movies-shell, and a Frontend React application, called movies-ui, will be implemented to consume movies-api.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On ivangfr.github.io, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.


  • movies-api

    Spring Boot Web Java application that exposes a REST API to manage movies. Its endpoints are ready to accept and server over HTTPS. movies-api stores its data in H2 memory database.

  • movies-shell

    Spring Boot Shell Java application that uses movies-api to get information about a movie or to even add/delete a movie. All the communication with movies-api is over HTTPS.

  • movies-ui

    React frontend application where users can manage movies. All the communication with movies-api is over HTTPS. It uses Semantic UI React as CSS-styled framework.


Start applications

  • movies-api

    • Open a terminal and, inside the https-springboot-react/movies-api folder, run the command bellow:

      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
    • Access Swagger website at https://localhost:8443/swagger-ui.html

    • Once accessed for the first time, the following page will appear


    • Click Advanced > Proceed to localhost (unsafe)

      Now, you should see:


    • To re-enable the security warning saying Your connection is not private for https://localhost:8443/swagger-ui.html, click Not Secure (in the address bar) > Re-enable warnings

  • movies-shell

    • Open a new terminal and navigate to the https-springboot-react/movies-shell folder

    • Run the command below to package the jar:

      ./mvnw clean package -DskipTests
    • Run the following command to start movies-shell:

    • Sample of the shell interface and execution


  • movies-ui

    • Open a new terminal and navigate to the https-springboot-react/movies-ui folder;

    • Execute the command below if you are running it for the first time:

      npm install
    • To start movies-ui run:

      npm start
    • Access https://localhost:3443

    • Once accessed for the first time, the following page will appear:


    • Click Advanced > Proceed to localhost (unsafe)

      Now, you shoud see:


      Note: In case movies-ui cannot communicate with movies-api

    • To re-enable the security warning saying Your connection is not private for https://localhost:3443, click Not Secure (in the address bar) > Re-enable warnings.


To stop movies-api, movies-ui and movies-shell, go to the terminal where they are running and press Ctrl+C

Create PKCS12 self-signed certificate

  • In order to create a PKCS12 certificate, run the following command:

    keytool -genkeypair -alias localhost \
      -keyalg RSA -keysize 2048 -storetype PKCS12 \
      -keystore keystore.p12 -validity 3650 \
      -dname "CN=localhost, OU=MyCompany, O=MyCompany, L=Berlin, ST=Berlin, C=DE"
  • Set a password. In this project, we will use secret:

    Enter keystore password: secret
    Re-enter new password: secret
  • To list the certificates keystore.p12 run the command below. The password will be requested:

    keytool -list -v -keystore keystore.p12

How to upgrade movies-ui dependencies to latest version

  • In a terminal, make sure you are inside the https-springboot-react/movies-ui folder

  • Run the following commands:

    npm upgrade
    npm i -g npm-check-updates
    ncu -u
    npm install



The goal of this project is to play with HTTPS and enable it in Spring Boot applications. For it, we will implement a Spring Boot Rest API that will have its endpoints ready to accept and server over HTTPS. Furthermore, a Spring Boot Shell Java application and a Frontend React application will be implemented to consume movies-api.


Language:Java 65.9%Language:JavaScript 27.2%Language:HTML 5.6%Language:CSS 1.2%