ivangfr / okta-springboot-react

The goal of this project is to implement an application where a user can manage (create/read/update/delete) jobs. For it, we will create: a backend Restful API called jobs-api and a frontend user interface called jobs-ui. Furthermore, we will use Okta to secure the complete application.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


The goal of this project is to implement an application where a user can manage (create/read/update/delete) jobs. For it, we will create a backend Restful API called jobs-api and a frontend application called jobs-ui. Furthermore, we will use Okta to secure the complete application.

Proof-of-Concepts & Articles

On ivangfr.github.io, I have compiled my Proof-of-Concepts (PoCs) and articles. You can easily search for the technology you are interested in by using the filter. Who knows, perhaps I have already implemented a PoC or written an article about what you are looking for.

Additional Readings

Project User Interface Preview


Project diagram



  • jobs-api

    Spring Boot Web Java application that exposes a REST API for managing jobs. It has some endpoints that are secured. Okta is used to handle authentication and authorization.

    The table below shows the endpoins, whether they are secured or not, and the authorization role required to access the secured ones.

    Endpoint Secured Role
    GET /actuator/* No
    POST /callback/token No
    GET /api/jobs/newest No
    POST /api/jobs Yes JOBS_STAFF
    PUT /api/jobs/{id} Yes JOBS_STAFF
    DELETE /api/jobs/{id} Yes JOBS_STAFF
    GET /api/jobs/{id} Yes JOBS_STAFF, JOBS_CUSTOMER
    PUT /api/jobs/search Yes JOBS_STAFF, JOBS_CUSTOMER
  • jobs-ui

    React frontend application where customers can look for a job and staff members can handle jobs. In order to access it, a person must login. The authentication is handled by Okta.


Configuring Okta

Access Developer Edition Account

Access Okta Admin Dashboard

The picture below shows how Okta Admin Dashboard looks like


Add Application

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Applications menu and then Applications sub-menu
  • On the next page, click Create App Integration button
  • Select OIDC - OpenID Connect as Sign on method and Single-Page Application as Application type. Click Next button
  • Enter the following values in the form.
    • General Settings
      • App integration name: Jobs Portal SPA
      • Grant type: check Authorization Code and Implicit (hybrid)
      • Sign-in redirect URIs: http://localhost:3000/implicit/callback and http://localhost:8080/callback/token
      • Sign-out redirect URIs: http://localhost:3000
    • Assignments
      • Controlled access: Skip group assignment for now
  • Click Save button
  • On the next screen, the Client ID of Jobs Portal SPA is displayed. The Okta Domain can be obtained by clicking the button-menu present on the up-right corner of the screen.

Create groups

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Directory menu and then Groups sub-menu
  • Add Staff Group
    • Click Add Group button
    • Enter JOBS_STAFF for the Name text-field
    • Click Save button
  • Add Customer Group
    • Click Add Group button
    • Enter JOBS_CUSTOMER for the Name text-field
    • Click Save button

Add people

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Directory menu and then People sub-menu
  • Click Add person button
  • Enter the following information for the Staff person
    • First name: Mario
    • Last name: Bros
    • Username: mario.bros@test.com
    • Primary email: mario.bros@test.com
    • Groups: JOBS_STAFF (the group will popup; select it to add it)
    • Password: Set by admin
    • Set a strong password in the text-field that will appear
    • Uncheck the check-box that says "User must change password on first login"
    • Click Save and Add Another button
  • Enter the following information for the Customer person
    • First name: Luigi
    • Last name: Bros
    • Username: luigi.bros@test.com
    • Primary email: luigi.bros@test.com
    • Groups: JOBS_CUSTOMER (the group will popup; select it to add it)
    • Password: Set by admin
    • Set a strong password in the text-field that will appear
    • Leave Uncheck the check-box that says "User must change password on first login"
    • Click Save button

Assign Groups to Application

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Directory menu and then Groups sub-menu
  • Select JOBS_STAFF
  • Click Applications tab
  • Click Assign Applications button
  • Click the Assign button related to Jobs Portal SPA and then click Done
  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Groups sub-menu again
  • Click Applications tab
  • Click Assign Applications button
  • Click the Assign button related to Jobs Portal SPA and then click Done

Add Claim

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Security menu and then API sub-menu
  • In Authorization Servers tab, select the default
  • In Claims tab, click Add Claim
  • Enter the following information for the claim
    • Name: groups
    • Include in token type:
      • Select Access Token
      • Keep Always in the right field
    • Value type: Groups
    • Filter:
      • Select Matches regrex
      • Set .* in the right field
    • Include in: Any scope
    • Click Create button

Start Environment

  • Open a terminal and inside okta-springboot-react root folder run

    docker compose up -d
  • Wait for elasticsearch Docker container to be up and running. To check it, run

    docker compose ps

Running applications

  • jobs-api

    • In a terminal, navigate to okta-springboot-react/jobs-api folder

    • Export the following environment variables. Those values were obtained while adding Application

      export OKTA_DOMAIN=...
      export OKTA_CLIENT_ID=...
    • Run the Maven command below to start jobs-api

      ./mvnw clean spring-boot:run
  • jobs-ui

    • Open a new terminal and navigate to okta-springboot-react/jobs-ui folder

    • Create a file called .env.local with the following content. Those values were obtained while adding Application

    • If you are running jobs-ui for the first time, execute the npm command below

      npm install
    • To start jobs-api run

      npm start

      It will open job-ui in a browser automatically.

Applications URLs

Application URL
jobs-api http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
jobs-ui http://localhost:3000

Using jobs-ui

Note: If you are using the person luigi.bros@test.com, you will not be able to create/update/delete a job because it doesn't have the required role for it.

Getting Access Token

In order to use just the jobs-api endpoints, you must have an JWT access token. Below are the steps to get it.

  • In a terminal, create the following environment variables. Those values were obtained while adding Application

  • Get Okta Access Token Url

  • Copy the Okta Access Token Url from the previous step and paste it in a browser

  • The Okta login page will appear. Enter the username & password of the person added at the step Configuring Okta > Add people and click Sign In button

  • It will redirect to /callback/token endpoint of jobs-api and the Access token will be displayed, together with other information

      "state": "state",
      "access_token": "eyJraWQiOiJyNFdY...",
      "token_type": "Bearer",
      "expires_in": "3600",
      "scope": "openid"

    Note: In jwt.io, you can decode and verify the JWT access token

Calling jobs-api endpoints using curl

  • GET /api/jobs/newest

    The api/jobs/newest endpoint is public, so we can access it without any problem.

    curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/jobs/newest?number=2

    It should return

    HTTP/1.1 200
    [{"id":"uuulE2sBTYouQKNL1uoV", ...},{"id":"u-ulE2sBTYouQKNL1-qb", ...}]
  • GET /api/jobs without Access Token

    Try to get the list of jobs without informing the access token.

    curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/jobs

    It should return

    HTTP/1.1 401
  • GET /api/jobs with Access Token

    First, get the access token as explained in Getting Access Token section. Then, create an environment variable for the access token.


    Call the get the list of jobs informing the access token

    curl -i http://localhost:8080/api/jobs -H "Authorization: Bearer $ACCESS_TOKEN"


    HTTP/1.1 200
    {"content":[{"id":"uISqEWsBpDcNLtN2kZv3","title":"Expert Java Developer - Cloud","company":"Microsoft","logoUrl"...}

    Note: If you are using the person luigi.bros@test.com, you will not be able to create/update/delete a job because it doesn't have the required role for it.

Using jobs-api with Swagger

  • First, get the access token as explained in Getting Access Token section.

  • Open jobs-api Swagger website http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

  • Click Authorize button. Paste the access token in the Value field. Then, click Authorize and Close to finalize.

  • Done! You can now access the sensitive endpoints.

Note: If you are using the person luigi.bros@test.com, you will not be able to create/update/delete a job because it doesn't have the required role for it.


  • Go to the terminals where jobs-api and jobs-ui are running and press Ctrl+C

  • To stop and remove containers, network and volumes, run in a terminal the following command inside okta-springboot-react root folder

    docker compose down -v


Okta Configuration

Delete Person

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Directory menu and then People sub-menu
  • Click Mario Bros in the People list
  • In Mario Bros profile, click More Actions multi-button and then Deactivate
  • Confirm deactivation by clicking Deactivate button
  • Still in Mario Bros profile, click Delete button
  • Confirm deletion by clicking Delete button
  • Click Luigi Bros in the People list
  • In Luigi Bros profile, click More Actions multi-button and then Deactivate
  • Confirm deactivation by clicking Deactivate button
  • Still in Luigi Bros profile, click Delete button
  • Confirm deletion by clicking Delete button

Delete Groups

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Directory menu and then Groups sub-menu
  • In JOBS_CUSTOMER profile, click Actions button and then Delete sub-button
  • Confirm deletion by clicking Delete Group button
  • Select JOBS_STAFF
  • In JOBS_STAFF profile, click Actions button and then Delete sub-button
  • Confirm deletion by clicking Delete Group button

Delete Application

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Applications menu and then Applications sub-menu
  • In Application list whose status is ACTIVE, click Jobs Portal SPA's gear icon and then click Deactivate
  • Confirm deactivation by clicking Deactivate Application button
  • In Application list whose status is INACTIVE, click Jobs Portal SPA's gear icon and then click Delete
  • Confirm deletion by clicking Delete Application button

Delete Claim

  • In the Okta Admin Dashboard main menu on the left, click Security menu and then API sub-menu
  • In Authorization Servers tab, select the default
  • In Claims tab, click the x icon related to the groups claim created
  • Confirm deletion by clicking OK button

How to upgrade jobs-ui dependencies to latest version

  • In a terminal, make sure you are in okta-springboot-react/jobs-ui folder

  • Run the following commands

    npm upgrade
    npm i -g npm-check-updates
    ncu -u
    npm install



The goal of this project is to implement an application where a user can manage (create/read/update/delete) jobs. For it, we will create: a backend Restful API called jobs-api and a frontend user interface called jobs-ui. Furthermore, we will use Okta to secure the complete application.


Language:JavaScript 49.1%Language:Java 46.5%Language:HTML 2.9%Language:CSS 1.5%