There are 0 repository under slaves topic.
Use the Touch Bar to play Gachi sound effects
Remote neural monitoring, interconnected terrestrial and satellites radio networks. Church, state, military forces and nobles illegal control and black market. Forced labor. Slavery. Electronic harrasment, gang stalking, gas lighting, mind control and mass manipulation. Populism and the far right. A game of the elderly, who, as
ARM I2C Drivers for various components (requires 'sarmfsw' & 'HARMcksL')
A pure Java Modbus implementation with utilities to simplify serial communication
Terraform module to provision an RDS cluster instance pool with a dedicated endpoint
🤖 Бот для Рабов ВКонтакте \ 🤖 Bot for Slaves \ 🤖 VK MINI APPS
Dynamic inventory to run ansible plays in jenkins slaves
Distributed File and Database System, to make it more available to the users connected and to allow users to upload/download their files and also replicate it in case if one of the nodes was down to ensure availability
my home project using pdns-ansible sqlite3 masters and superslaves, which self configure
HashNet Container for Jenkins agents (slaves)
Having multiple sensors at a place is quite common these days. So why not create a sensor network that sends all the data to a Master and also an android app? This project focuses on the concept of creating a sensor network with multiple slaves and a master.