Khaled Sabry's repositories
[IEEE Research paper + Project] Real Time Road Accidents Detection System based on crash estimation; a computer vision techniques that detects road accidents and reports them in real-time as well as allowing the monitoring of accidents using a client server architecture and an interactive GUI.
Written a C compiler to run c code using flex and bison tool, add also a semantic analyzer, Quadraple language generation and symbol table.
Simulate the performance of different modulation schemes, BPSK, QPSK, FSK, QAM(16-64) in an AWGN environment and Apply a Raised-Cosine pulse shaping for each using Digital Communications Matlab Simulink Project.
kodi inputstream addon for several manifest types
Distributed File and Database System, to make it more available to the users connected and to allow users to upload/download their files and also replicate it in case if one of the nodes was down to ensure availability
DiversHotel core web application for hotel reservations. Applied clean code, clean architecture and repository pattern for database models access.
Android app to see information about movies, tv series and actors and watch the rating, the reviews from rotten-tomatoes and the latest news, you can also download your movie with several formats and quality and making your account so you can keep your history and your favouite movies, tv series and actors so you can watch their latest work
Unity Game to escape from the castle after you collect the gold without noticing from the guards
Copy element text content or input values to the clipboard.
this is an encoding and compressing tool for Json and image bitmap i made it to our university project
Control home device through mobile app using WiFi connection.
Copy text to the clipboard in modern browsers (0.2 kB)
By using different tuning techniques I have been able to increase the query performance of retrieving and searching in millions of records on average 58% faster than before
An awesome README template to jumpstart your projects!
A Keras implementation of YOLOv3 (Tensorflow backend)
Training and Detecting Objects with YOLO3
Don't just fork it. Star it, please!
Generate qr codes for a single or batch urls with the ability to add your own logo
readme-template template for your open-source project
Command-line tool that instantly fetches Stack Overflow results when an exception is thrown
Identify your hand gesture to write characters or do actions using image processing
A simple set of wrappers for RESTful calls
An Arduino game developed on SimulIDE- a hardware simulator, due to the COVID19 situation-.
This app matters to those who play with each other that depend on who should face who like in ping pong, fifa/pes or other things in real life competetions , so it make a tournament from 3 to 5 people also the app saves the winnings and losses and who is the best in the game
Kodi is an award-winning free and open source home theater/media center software and entertainment hub for digital media. With its beautiful interface and powerful skinning engine, it's available for Android, BSD, Linux, macOS, iOS and Windows.