There are 6 repositories under feminism topic.
给搬运的女权内容设了几个分类,包括:女权**与讨论、知识科普、历史科普、女权书籍、女权相关数据等......在每个文件里点" view raw "选项就可看全文
Феминизатор слов
Automating the Bechdel test and its variants for feminine representation in movies with AI
Does your favorite film pass the test?
chatbots can easily reinforce harmful gender stereotypes or promote discriminatory behaviour if their designers aren't careful.
Remote neural monitoring, interconnected terrestrial and satellites radio networks. Church, state, military forces and nobles illegal control and black market. Forced labor. Slavery. Electronic harrasment, gang stalking, gas lighting, mind control and mass manipulation. Populism and the far right. A game of the elderly, who, as
💄Directory of beauty brands owned by women of color. Runs on Jekyll.
A curated list of ressources regarding the pro-feminist Men's liberation movement, feminism, masculinity and adjacent topics.
Word graph web application that displays gender biases in Wikipedia, Reddit and Google News
Quantifying a gender bias in the media
FemScale is an online quiz designed to measure and analyse your attitudes towards women.
Material del Taller "Desmitificando los datos, visualización desde la Ciencia de Datos con perspectiva de género" dictado dentro del ciclo de charlas ReinvertarTEC
SafeCampus is meant to be a safe network for students who have suffered sexual harassment at school, giving them a platform where they can ask for support from their peers and someone to go through the complaint with them.
Can I play as Me? Find out if the video game you'd love to play features a (playable) female protagonist!
Visualizaciones y gráficos a partir de datos sobre femicidios en Chile, cuya fuente proviene de la Red Chilena contra la Violencia hacia las Mujeres
In this repository, with the help of a dataset of Hollywood movies in four different decades, I tried to measure gender equality and the role of women by the bechdel test and show how successful the movies that pass the bechdel test were at the box office and profitability.
A book. Reproducing Autonomy: Work, Money, Crisis and Contemporary Art. In this book, three essays by the authors establish a new framework to locate notions of artistic autonomy and autonomies of art.
A deterministic model inspired by ecofeminist perspectives on family-making and crafting. It uses color and spatial relationships to create a narrative for poetic linguistic navigation.
Outil en ligne de commande pour le téléchargement et la conversion des données des féminicides en France
A feminist chatbot which aims to educate people on intersectionality, particularly in the music industry.
Maptime #19 a practical introduction to feminist cartography
A data story on the Slim Thick body idealization in America, Dec 2021
Une application de back-end de gestion d'événement pou lutter contre la machisme et le patriarcat. Fais le lien avec firestore et mailchimp.
Additional static website for
This project uses color coordinates for sequence optimization using word associations for RGB
Final project for the Digital Humanities and Digital Knowledge Master's Degree Course at University of Bologna.
Repo creata per manutenere il codice di aggiornamento della base dati per la app di monitoraggio PNRR di Period Think Tank
This is a repository with the notebooks and tables used in my 'feminist books project', which analyses the Penguin Random House catalogue of books in Spanish