There are 1 repository under sea-level-rise topic.
Process global-scale satellite and airborne elevation data into time series of glacier mass change: Hugonnet et al. (2021).
A Collection of Flood Hazard Layers for New York City.
Jupyter Notebooks Tutorials on Gaussian Processes
This repo uses DEM data to produce a simulation (gif) visualizing which areas will get drowned as sea-level rises.
Storm Surge Prediction Using Different Machine Learning Methods
Python projects made for the freeCodeCamp Data Analysis with Python Certification. - a global citizen science project to help scientists study the risks of sea-level rise
Code supporting "Could the Last Interglacial Constrain Projections of Future Antarctic Ice Mass Loss and Sea-level Rise?" by Gilford et al. (2020, JGR-Earth Surface)
Python Scripts that analyze and plot the attributes of oceanic and atmospheric data, intentionally collected from the Weddell Sea.
This Repository consists of all the Data Analysis Projects and Tasks for the Data Analytics with Python -- Free Code Camp
This code supports Strauss et al (2020): "Economic Damages from Hurricane Sandy Attributable to Sea Level Rise Caused by Anthropogenic Climate Change"
Flood risk and house price tipping points for an archetypical coastal city under many sea level rise scenarios and dynamic adaptive policies.
Scripts to simulate coastal flood hazard at the global scale based on near-shore still water levels using a simple GIS routing.
Sea level rise and extreme value analysis for Boston using IPCC AR6 Projections
sea level rise/climate change theme
The official repository accompanying the paper "Deep Vision-Based Framework for Coastal Flood Prediction Under Climate Change Impacts and Shoreline Adaptations".
A new database of sea-level components and their contribution to nuisance flooding along the U.S. coastline
Study of the sea level variation using radar altimetry and tide gauges' data.
Contributions of Storm Drivers to Compound Flooding in New York City: Insights from Coupled Modeling and Machine Learning Approaches
Analysis of mean sea level time series data
In-situ simulation of sea-level rise impacts on coastal wetlands using a flow-through mesocosm approach
Community flood reporting map
The GISSR optimization model that minimizes the total cost of protective measures and damage against flooding and sea level rise. A paper has been published on Frontier Climate (
Global assessment of all known impacts of climate change on humanity
:snowflake::skull: DEPRECATED :skull::snowflake: Widget that displays data from Tide Tables
Driven by my passion for ESG, this project "Rise & Forecast," is dedicated to predicting sea level rise based on temperature changes and Shared Socio-economic Pathways (SSP).
Dissertation project modelling UK coastal household adaptation to sea level rise
This repository corresponds to the study: Carlot et al. (2021). Juvenile corals underpin coral reef carbonate production after disturbance. Global Change Biology.
Analysing a dataset of the global average sea level change since 1880 and using this data to predict the sea level change through year 2050.
Analysis on rising of sea levels and melting of ice sheets.
Scaled Sea Level Rise (SLR) inundation surfaces and polygons for Rhode Island that incorporate the effects of both storm surge and tides. Developed utilizing the North Atlantic Comprehensive Study (NACCS) and STORMTOOLS.
Assignments for class in signal processing and data analysis