There are 3 repositories under picom topic.
A glorified personal dot files
Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment
Bash script that automates the setup of a professional hacking environment for Kali Linux using the tiled window manager bspwm.
A Compositor for X11 based on Picom. No Longer Maintained in favor of Picom v12!
Runit service scripts
My System Configuration ⚙️
.files, that makes my Linux machine awesome.
Simple script to setup a beautiful awesomewm desktop
🌸 Configuration for i3, kitty, picom, ZSH, gtk, qutebrowser, qbittorrent and more... (All tools for an arch linux new installation)
AwesomeWM setup
I've... A S C E N D E D
Qtile and python widgets on my Linux.
Automatic script to customize your desktop environment, which will apply the following dotfiles using bspwm on kali linux.
:wrench: My configuration files
Arch Linux DotFiles - Managed by GNU stow
My dotfiles, and let’s not lie, mainly Emacs stuff. Mirror of
“ With wisdom comes the desire for simplicity.” Brendon Burchard.
My Arch Linux dotfiles