There are 3 repositories under picom topic.
A glorified personal dot files
Get ready for dotfiles. Contains i3, i3blocks, rofi, dunst, picom, vim, tmux, and zsh.
Dotfiles for awesome people using the awesomewm linux environment
Bash script that automates the setup of a professional hacking environment for Kali Linux using the tiled window manager bspwm.
A Compositor for X11 based on Picom. No Longer Maintained in favor of Picom v12!
Runit service scripts
My System Configuration ⚙️
.files, that makes my Linux machine awesome.
Simple script to setup a beautiful awesomewm desktop
🌸 Configuration for i3, kitty, picom, ZSH, gtk, qutebrowser, qbittorrent and more... (All tools for an arch linux new installation)
🍂 Dotbaka Specially Minimalist & Easy To Use & Lazy User & Everything Simple | Dotfiles [ Bspwm ]
AwesomeWM setup
I've... A S C E N D E D
Automatic script to customize your desktop environment, which will apply the following dotfiles using bspwm on kali linux.
Qtile and python widgets on my Linux.
:wrench: My configuration files
Arch Linux DotFiles - Managed by GNU stow
My dotfiles, and let’s not lie, mainly Emacs stuff. Mirror of
“ With wisdom comes the desire for simplicity.” Brendon Burchard.
My Arch Linux dotfiles