There are 2 repositories under btop topic.
Vicious Viper Dotfiles
🧙♂️ Soothing pastel theme for btop
XFCE - Everything Tokyo Night 🖥
Minimal dots for hyprland
Dark Hard Everforest theme for btop ARCHIVED no longer needed as the theme was merged into btop
🌿 My WSL2 Ubuntu dotfiles
VPS 简单实用命令行工具一键安装脚本:压缩/解压缩、TCP/HTTP/HTTPS Ping、可视化路由追踪、Speedtest 测试、端到端加密文件传输、更容易使用的 find 命令等等
💠All dotfiles of i3wm
My configuration files for *NIX operating systems
Simple setup new Alma Linux server via Ansible
Neoman installs, initializes, configures, and manages Neovim, NeoMutt, Btop, Kitty, Neofetch, Newsboat,. Ascii Games, w3m, and tmux
All my dotfiles, managed by stow
btop - To monitor the system performance and understand what’s going on.