There are 1 repository under ttkbootstrap topic.
Qtile and python widgets on my Linux.
📂 A lightweight file manager based on ttkbootstrap developed by personal interests.
Windows File Explorer/Manager with Tabs. Written in Tkinter using ttkbootstrap.
点饼干点腻了吧?尝试一下《苹果点点乐(Apple Clicker)》吧!
Python library for GUI-interactive definition of objects / forms based on annotations (type hints). It allows the creation of forms based on class's definition. Works with Tkinter / TTKBootstrap.
A desktop application for budget tracking. Allows you to record spending by price and category. The amount of spending by category is conveniently displayed in a graph in the Graph menu.
This is block and brick management system which helps owner to easily do their workflow
A basic Hotel management system using Python and MySQL.
A file sharing application made with python package ttkbootstrap . Made with ❤.
An audio nightcore app made by MinMinhMin
This is a 'YouTube Downloder' created using python with the help of tkinter, ttkbootstrap & pytubefix
The Weather App is a user-friendly desktop application that provides real-time weather information for any city. Built using Python and Tkinter, it seamlessly integrates with the OpenWeatherMap API to fetch accurate weather data. Users can input the desired city and receive detailed information, including the current weather description and tempera
Eat the animals!
Calculate and experiment!
An app for the person at the counter!
This is a Simple GUI Code that uses TTKbootstrap and SQLite3.
How you can send Whatsapp Messages Automatically!
A portable timer-application: simple yet efficient time management tool.