There are 1 repository under perturbation-theory topic.
QuAcK: a software for emerging quantum electronic structure methods
One of the most complete fractal generating softwares using java!
Symbolic Perturbation Theory (SymPT) is a Python package for symbolic perturbative transformations on quantum systems. SymPT helps compute effective Hamiltonians for both time-independent and time-dependent systems at both operator and matrix level.
Python Nonlinear System Analysis Tool
Package for quasi-degenerate perturbation theory (mirror)
Software for Absolute and Relative Motion Orbit Theories with Zonal and Tesseral Gravitational Harmonics
Tools for analysis of N-body models with Basis Function Expansions and perturbation theory themes.
MOTT transition within MATLAB. Blazing fast IPT code treating Bethe-Hubbard model at half-filling.
Implementation of local algorithms within pyscf
This repository contains an Matlab implementation of the algorithms presented in Digraph Signal Processing with Generalized Boundary Conditions by Bastian Seifert and Markus Püschel.
A system that aims to track and predict the movements of celestial objects with a fair amount of accuracy.
Finite Element code to compute separation force on parts printed using constrained-surface stereolithography
Perturbative expansions in quantum mechanics: numerical application to the truncated Mølmer-Sørensen Hamiltonian
Realtime Mandelbrot set explorer written in rust and using wgpu
MATLAB implementation of A Feature Selection Based on Perturbation Theory
Set of MATLAB formulas for computing the nonlinearity of graphene, with emphasis on the optical band (e.g., NIR) and the self-acting (Kerr-like) effect.
FieldInf: an exact solver for linear cosmological perturbations during inflation
diagrammatic perturbation theory for infinite square well with Dirac delta potential
Python module for the evaluation of probability densities and exit rates in a tubular ensemble
Software and Data Associated with "Understanding Fast Adsorption in Single-Solute Breakthrough Curves"
MSc Review Project III
Canonical Monte Carlo algorithm for ellipsoid-of-revolution molecules
Canonical Monte Carlo algorithm for spherocylindrical molecules
Some resummation techniques based on perturbation theory
Numerically solving Schrödinger’s equation for a system of two interacting identical fermions in an infinite potential well using the method of finite differences.
Graphing singularly perturbed differential equations based on Geometric Singular Perturbation Theory.
Code solving cosmological perturbation equations as well as background evolution
Contains code that is useful in the study of effective two-level systems
xPand implementation of the calculation of the canonical scalar field linear perturbations in Bianchi I background spacetimes.