There are 1 repository under notificationcenter topic.
NoticeObserveKit is type-safe NotificationCenter wrapper.
Cordova Plugin to allow message exchange between javascript and native (and viceversa)
Create interactable notifications in the Notification Centre on any Mac using Python
A 200-day repository of Swift - UIKit - SwiftUI hosting around 100 projects.
Windows toast notification and toastXml string builder
Alternative notification center for Windows / Альтернативный центр уведомлений для Windows
Renovation project of Spotify-UIKit to SwiftUI.
This library works like Objective-C and Swift NSNotificationCenter. A notification dispatch mechanism that enables the broadcast of information to registered observers.
Swift, UIKit, AVFoundation, SDWebImage, WebKit, SafariServices, NotificationCenter, HapticsManager, UICollectionView, UITableView, UISearchController, etc.
The LinuxNotifier project is dedicated to provide smooth experience to online information/notifications on Linux.
Using SwiftUI and Combine extensions to NotificationCenter
EventBroadcaster is a lightweight event handler framework, written in swift for iOS, macOS, tvOS & watchOS applications.
A lightweight publisher/observer open-source library used for messaging run through the entire Flutter application. Inspired by NotificationCenter in iOS and EventBus on in Android.
Do away with Notification Center's stringly typed API
Local Notification - Create local, daily, weekly notifications.
🎬 Netflix Clone using UIKit with Swift language. Core Data was used as the local database. Tmdb and youtube api were used for the API.
Repositorio 100% nativo en Swift en UIKIt en el que se realizan conexiones a diferentes API Rest. Para cada API he utilizado 3 diferentes patrones para manejar la asincronía: * Patrón `callback` * Librería `Combine` * Modelo de concurrencia `Async-await` .
Application that allows you to track your goals for a month
Shopy (E-commerce iOS App) facilitates the search, selection, and purchase of clothing products online, keeping your favorite products in your personal account to buy them later, in addition to providing ads and discount codes on products and the possibility of purchasing products by visa or by payment upon receipt.
This to learn such as : Add Target , NSNotification Center Send/Get Data , Observer Override , resize Data By Byte , UIImagePicker Delegate , UIAlert Handle , Top ViewController , Get pickerController
iOS 10 Tweak - Show quotes instead of "No Notifications" text in Notification Center
🗓️ OAuth를 통해 회원가입, 로그인, 로그아웃을 통해 유저를 식별하고, Firebase를 활용한 스케줄링 앱
iOS | FireBase - Messenger app that allows users send and receive messages quickly with or without Signup!
Приложение помогает пользователям просматривать и покупать NFT (Non-Fungible Token). Функционал покупки иммитируется с помощью мокового сервера
The application created for show information about SpaceX space rockets and a list of their launches.
MVVM + Snapkit + Alamofire
Exploring the transition from Combine to async sequences and streams