There are 0 repository under networklayer topic.
Async network layer with Combine
Combine 🚜 - driven REST API client, based on Alamofire 🔥
Base Sample Project for Multi-modules Android App. Kotlin, MVVM, Koin, Retrofit2, Coroutines, Jetpack Navigation, Repository Pattern, Navigation Module, Network Module(with Adapter), Di Module, Feature Modules
Simple, elegant, easy, lightweight iOS networking library
Clean Network Layer in Swift with PromiseKit and Alamofire
A robust Swift-based network layer for iOS applications, supporting Combine and async/await for seamless asynchronous operations.
Lightweight rest api crud combine swift reactive library. SwiftUI request chaining, in parallel
Demo iOS Swift Package network layer using Alamofire
Shopy (E-commerce iOS App) facilitates the search, selection, and purchase of clothing products online, keeping your favorite products in your personal account to buy them later, in addition to providing ads and discount codes on products and the possibility of purchasing products by visa or by payment upon receipt.
CSE 322: Computer Network Sessional | CSE, BUET | Batch 2019
Shopy (E-commerce iOS App) facilitates the search, selection, and purchase of clothing products online, keeping your favorite products in your personal account to buy them later, in addition to providing ads and discount codes on products and the possibility of purchasing products by visa or by payment upon receipt.
SwiftRequesto it's a lightweight network layer for iOS application that can execute async and sync URLRequests.