devmehmetates / 365-day-of-code

A 200-day repository of Swift - UIKit - SwiftUI hosting around 100 projects.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

365 day of code with Swift

This repository has been opened to develop iOS in a planned way.


Start Date Finish Date Day Title State
01/01/2022 10/04/2022 100 Swift And UIKit Done ✅
26/03/2022 04/07/2022 100 Swift Review and SwiftUI Done ✅
01/01/2022 01/01/2023 365 Project examples and more practice Done ✅

Swift Fundamentals

Topics File
Variables File
Complex Variables and Enums File
Operators, Conditions and Switch-Case Usage File
Loops File
Function types, Throwing and inOut parameters File
Basic Closures File
Basic Closures File
Advanced Closures File
Basic Structs and String Properties File
Advanced Structs File
Basic Classes File
Protocols and P.O.P File
Optional Datas and Typecasting File
Protocols and P.O.P File

Summary files

Topics File
Variables and Constants, Types of Data, Operators, String Interpolation, Arrays, Dictionaries, Conditional Statements, Loops, Switch Case File
Functions, Optionals, Optional chaining, Enumaretion, Struct, Classes and Structs vs Classes File
Properties, Static properties and methods, Access control, Polymorphism and typecasting, Closures File

Project Map

ℹ️ Projects with Project and Gallery link are completely made by me.

Name File Subjects 
Day16-18 Project FileManager, UITableViewController, CocoaTouch Classes, UIImage, NavigationController
Day19-21 Project UIButton, CALayer, Randoms, IBAction, UIAlertAction, UIAlertController
Day22 Project UIActivityViewController, UIBarButtonItem, navigationItem
Day23 Project and Gallery Review(Milestone)
Day24-26 Project WebKit, WKWebView, UIAlertController(actionSheet), UIToolbar, UIProgressView
Day27-29 Project TextFields in UIAlertController, UIAlertController
Day30-31 Project-A Project-B Auto Layout, Auto Constraint, Auto Layout anchors
Day32 Project and Gallery Review(Milestone)
Day33-35 Project JSON Data, Codeable, UITabBarController, SceneDelegate
Day36-38 Project Subviews, NSLayoutConstraint, UIProperties
Day39-41 Project Async, DispatchQueue, GCD
Day41-Challenge Project and Gallery Hangman Game
Day42-44 Project UICollectionView, UICollectionViewCell
Day45-47 Project Begin to iOS games with SpriteKit
Day48-49 Project-A Project-B Project-C UserDefaults, NSCoding
Day49 Challenges Project-1 Project-2 Project-5 UserDefaults, Codable
Day50 Challenge Project and Gallery Review(Milestone)
Day51 Horizon Day Playground Functional Programming and some functions(map, flatMap, compactMap)
Day52-54 Project UISlider and UIImagePicker
Day55-56 Project iOS games with SpriteKit, SKCropNode
Day57-58 Project Begin to Animations
Day59 Challenge Project Try Animations
Day60-61 Project Begin to MapKit
Day62-63 Project Improve yourself on Sprite-Kit
Day64-65 Project Debugging
Day66 Challenge Project and Gallery A biggest Challennge - Shooting game
Day67-69 Project App Extensions, JavaScript Codes
Day70-71 Project Growing up on SpriteKit
Day72-73 Project UserNotifications, Local Notifications
Day74 Challenge Project and Gallery iOS Notes App Clone
Day75-76 Project Core Location
Day77-79 Project Fruit ninja with Sprite Kit
Day80-81 Project Extensions
Day82 Project Extensions Challenges
Day83-84 Project MCSession
Day85-87 Project CoreMotion
Day88-89 Project Core Graphics
Day90 Project and Gallery Meme Creator
Day91 Detail Swift Playground
Day92-93 Project Biometric Authorization, Keychain, LocalAuthentication
Day94-96 Project Another game with SpriteKit
Day97-98 Project Instruments Usage
Day99 Project and Gallery Find it, game with UIKit
Day100 Certificate Exam
Day101-103 Project WeSplit - Begin to SwiftUI
Day104 Project Unit Conversioner
Day105-107 Project Guess the Flag - SwiftUI shapes and fundamentals
Day108-109 Project Views And Modifiers
Day110 Project and Gallery Rock-Paper-Scissors Game
Day111-113 Project CoreML, DatePicker and Stepper
Day114-116 Project UITextChecker, Bundle, fatalError, onAppear, onSubmit
Day117-119 Project A Demo application for almost all SwiftUI animations types
Day120 Project and Gallery Lottie Animations and A Little MVVM Project
Day121-123 Project States, Basic-Codable and Events
Day124-127 Project FlexDecode, Json files, Custom Grids
Day128-131 Project SwiftUI Path, Drawing, Metal, animatableData and Shapes
Day132-133 Project and Gallery Review and Horizon Days
Day134-137 Project Let's meet async-await functions and Task, Network connections, HTTP Requests and detailed Codable protocol
Day138-141 Project CoreData basics
Day142-144 Project Advanced CoreData and Filtering CoreData Entities
Day145-146 Project and Gallery Advanced CoreData and More Practice
Day147-152 Project CoreImage and UIKit integration
Day153-158 Project MapKit, MVVM, LocalAuthentication, @MainActor and more
Day159-161 Project Accessibility for iOS
Day162-163 Project and Gallery Mapkit usage, Collection-view, PHPickerViewController
Day164-170 Project Packages, Image Interpolations, QR Code Genaretor, Results, Context Menu, EnvironmentObjects, LocalNotifications, Swipe Actions and TabViews
Day171-176 Project ScenePhase, User Interactivity, Accessibility, Gestures and Habtics
Day177-179 Project GeometryReader, Advanced Layout, Dynamic Animations
Day180 Project and Gallery Timer, Custom Effects, Timed Animations
Day181-185 Project Side By Side, Searchable, Optional Variables in Alerts
Completed Done🎉 Thank you Paul Hudson 🧡

Side Project Map

My Side Projects for iOS

Sorted by development time.

Name Status Url Subject Main Technologies Sub Technologies or Target
OpenFashion Develop Go to Project E-Commerce UIKit-NoStoryboard, Alamofire, SwiftLint, Kingfisher, MVVM, CRS
Socia In Re-newing(Major update) Go to Project Social Media SwiftUI, UIKit integration, Firebase MVVM, WebKit, UIImagePicker, Auth-System, EnvironmentObjects, ObservedObjects, UserDefaults, Video-Player, Pure iOS Properties, Unit Tests, AvKit, 3D Touch, UIActitivityViewController
Tips for Riot Completed Go to Project Game SwiftUI, Packages SwiftUI Animations, Charts, Custom-API Usage, 3D Touch, Carousel Views(Made with Native SwiftUI)
My Custom iTunes Completed Go to Project Music SwiftUI and iTunes Search API MVVM, MVP, AVFoundation, WebView, UserDefaults, UIKit usage in SwiftUI, UIActivityViewController
Tate Mcrae App Canceled(I moved it to "My Custom iTunes" project) Some Detail Music SwiftUI StoryBoard to SwiftUI, Animations, MVVM
Health Care Completed Go to Project Health and Life Style SwiftUI and Firebase MVVM, Twitter API, HealthKit, Notifications
CountDown App Completed Go to Project Movie SwiftUI Timer, Splash Design
Starbucks-Redesign Canceled(I can't find the time.) Go to Project Food SwiftUI Figma Design
SwiftUIDragMenu Completed(Features will be added) Go to Project - SwiftUI and Packages Easy Animation Design
SwiftUIPercentChart Completed Go to Project - SwiftUI and Packages Begin to Swift Packages
MovieBook-MVVM Completed Go to Project Movie SwiftUI and Custom API's Begin to JSON Data
FirebaseToDoApp Completed Go to Project Activities and Planning SwiftUI and Firebase Begin to SwiftUI


  • Deviation from sources
  • Do not rush
  • Learn new things
  • And never give up

Readme Rules

  • Description
  • Code Example
  • Comment of Code


  • Be happy 🥹
  • Starting a job as an iOS developer by September 😎
  • Specialize in iOS as much as possible 🤩


A 200-day repository of Swift - UIKit - SwiftUI hosting around 100 projects.

License:MIT License


Language:Swift 99.9%Language:Ruby 0.1%Language:JavaScript 0.0%