There are 0 repository under nec topic.
IR Remote Receiver and Decoder
IDA Pro V850 Processor Module Extension
AVR Library (Atmega48/88/168/328) to decode IR commands from a remote control in NEC format.
A "living" copy of the M100SIG.
M5Stick and M5StickC(+) as a remote control transmitter
Notes relating to using PC9801/9821 (and possibly other retro PC system) disks in Linux
8K RAM module for "Model T Computers" - TRS-80 Model 100, Kyotronic KC-85, NEC PC-8201, Olivetti M10
Allows adapting Genesis 3 and 6 button controllers to the PC Engine
VGL is a high-performance graph processing framework, designed for modern NEC SX-Aurora TSUBASA vector architecture. VGL significantly outperforms many state-of the art graph-processing frameworks for modern multicore CPUs and NVIDIA GPUs, such as Gunrock, CuSHA, Ligra, Galois, GAPBS.
Neural Episodic Control implementation in TensorFlow
Encoding codecs for various EBCDIC katakana extensions
Custom implementation of Deepmind's Neural Episodic Control.
A prototyping board for making NEC PC-8801 expansion cards (in development)
NEC/PC-8001 SIO(DIP16 socket)に挿すゲタのハードとソフトです。ESP32とBME280を活用してSNTP/BME280情報取得/FTPorSPIFFSリスト取得/FTPorSPIFFS DL GETを行うことが出来ます。
IR (Infrared) Remote library for Proteus. Currently supported brands like SONY, CHINA TV, MP3 players, and RGB Remote.
Here is the easiest way to decode NEC Protocol. I have implemented it in two Microcontroller - PIC12F675 & PIC16F877A I am not using Interrupt or Timer.
Nacionalinės švietimo agentūros informacinių technologijų valstybinio brandos egzamino užduočių sąlygos bei sprendiniai.
Dualband portable 2 elements yagi antenna for 15m and 10m CW
Receive infrare data from ir remote with interrupt and timer capture
App Name: GreenVision, Code for NEC Hackathon: Transport
video game consoles
Node.js based SMDR collector for NEAX formatted SMDR that uploads data to MongoDB