There are 2 repositories under allure-report topic.
This is a boilerplate/template for a Playwright-Typescript framework for web UI, API, mobile emulation, DB, and visual testing. Docker image, SonarQube, Lighthouse, GitHub Actions setup with Slack notifications are also implemented.
Allure Server. Save/ generate / provide allure2 reports in one place
cypress plugin to use allure reporter api in tests
自动化测试工具集合,自动化测试平台,自动化测试框架autotest tool,autotest platform, autotest framework, Java,Python,Vue,SpringBoot,MySQL,TestNg,JUnit,unittest,pytest,Cucumber,Selenium,Appium,Allure,AirTest,Dubbo RPC,GRPC, HTTP, BDD,DDT数据驱动测试,UI自动化,API接口自动化
End to End testing of Web, API, Cloud, Events and Security
Example of Allure Report usage with TestNG, Java and Maven
Playwright Typescript Automation testing framework Template is designed for Web (Desktop & Mobile), API, and Electron apps. Stable and Robust layer on top of Playwright with inbuilt Utilities, Linting, Logger, Web hooks, Github actions, Reports and much more
Generate Allure Report for jest. Allure Report, a flexible lightweight multi-language test report tool with the possibility to add steps, attachments, parameters and so on.
Boilerplate project for Web/API Test Automation created live on Twitch based on Playwright - TypeScript - Allure Report - Lighthouse
Automation Testing | Web | Java | OOPS | Selenium WebDriver | TestNG | Maven | ExtentReport | Allure Reports | Java mail API | Design Patterns (Page Object Model, Singleton) | Jenkins | Data-Driven Testing using JSON file
Ready-to-use UI Test Automation Architecture using Java and Playwright.
Playwright TypeScript Framework: a robust solution for testing Web (Desktop & Mobile), API, and Electron apps. With customized utilities, linting, logging, webhooks, and GitHub actions, it offers a stable and robust layer that enhances Playwright's capabilities. Stay tuned for updates, and star if valuable!
Complete Python Appium framework in 360 degree
Example of Allure Report usage with JUnit 4, Java and Maven
Automation for iOS, Android, & Web Apps with one codebase. Like it, Star it & spread the word !!!
e2e kickstarter framework for using protractorJS with cucumberJS and allure jenkins CI reports
Archived - Allure adapter for NUnit framework.
Automation Testing | RESTful webservices | Java | RestAssured | OAuth 2.0 | Lombok | TestNG | Maven | ExtentReport | Allure Reports | Java mail API | Design Patterns (Singleton) | Jenkins | Data-Driven Testing using JSON file | Expected Data using XML file
Example of Allure Report usage with Mocha, npm, CommonJS and JavaScript
Behavior Driven Development Cucumber - Selenium based automation framework including Cucumber Pretty, Advanced and Allure reports
Example of the project created by Selenium UI Testing plugin for IntelliJ IDEA
Boilerplate project to run MOBILE Test Automation with TestNG, Appium, Allure reporting and Momentum Suite cloud device farm support
A Selenium and TestNG framework utilizing Spring Boot capabilities
This repo contains the course material for the Test Automation University Course Introduction to E2E Web Testing using TestCafe
Boilerplate project to run MOBILE Test Automation with WebdriverIO v7, Mocha, Appium, Allure reporting and Momentum Suite cloud device farm support
Java library which allows to write environment.xml file into allure-results directory.
Playwright E2E Test Framework
Quickly start a new pre-configured Cypress project with only one command.
Example project using Selenide, JUnit5, Allure for Automation Test in Java
C# NUnit Allure with improvements and SpecFlow3 adapter
Playwright API Testing Tutorial
Boilerplate project to run MOBILE Test Automation with Nunit3, Appium, Allure reporting and Momentum Suite cloud device farm support