There are 1 repository under education-policy topic.
Explore factors influencing students' adaptability to online learning through machine learning techniques, including Random Forest, SVM, and Neural Networks. Identify key characteristics and develop predictive models to enhance online education experiences.
Using monte carlo sampling the probability that study method A is worse than B given the data
Replication Code for "Supporting Teacher Autonomy to Improve Education Outcomes: Experimental Evidence from Brazil"
Analysis of Public High Schools Admitting Students by Examination in Turkey
Investigating how policy, curriculum and research influence teaching in Australia: a case study of Senior Chemistry
Study on Education Policies across the globe.
Analysis of Public High Schools Admitting Students by Examination in Turkey
We create a dataset of salaries for full-time instructional staff for 1980, 1990, and 2001. The file contains variables for total salary outlays, number of staff, and average salary, and should be long by year, unitid (the institutional identifier), academic rank, contract length, and sex. The raw files contain different variables and are in a different format each year; the goal is to harmonize these into a consistent panel dataset that is easy for others to use.
We analyze two student outcomes – student GPA and average ACT test score for 1000 12th graders at the given school district. Specifically, we want to understand, among all the information we know about these students – demographics (gender, ethnicity, special education status, age, household income, and performance index), AP course taking, GPA and student athlete status – which are predictive of graduation and of average ACT test score for students. In addition, we want to understand if average ACT test score is predictive of graduation or vice versa.
Dashboard for exploring the School Corporation Opportunity Scores for Indiana.
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in education has been continuously linked to higher efficiency, higher productivity, and higher educational outcomes, including quality of cognitive, creative and innovative thinking. In response to the global imperative of Education for All, and not willing to be left at lower side of ‘digital divide’ Nigeria launched Universal Basic Education in 1999 and developed an ICT policy in 2001. One of the objectives of the policy focused on integrating ICT into the mainstream of education and training, including basic education. This has been evolving through a number of private and donor-funded initiatives though there is the need to ensure effective and sustained use of ICT in mainstream formal education system. This study explores the potentials of ICT component of school curriculum for technological advancement in Nigeria and availability of ICT tools in schools; teachers’ knowledge, experience and practices in use of ICT at the basic education level; using qualitative analysis of existing documents and descriptive research design. The survey instrument is a self-designed and validated 50-item questionnaire administered to sampled basic education teachers in Lagos state. Findings showed that Nigeria is yet to fully commit to ICT integration in education as two key ingredients are lacking- skilled teachers and ICT tools and other infrastructures. It was recommended that these issues must be addressed within a focused and implementation committed ICT in education policy.
"A quasi-experiment in international student mobility: Germany’s fee re-introductions" in European Journal of Higher Education
SCOscore Documentation for the Indiana University Indianapolis 2030 Strategic Planning Process
The aim of this repository is to share the data, code, and associated products related to my doctoral thesis, "Formando la educación en Latinoamérica: la política del financiamiento educativo," part of the PhD in Social Sciences, with mention in Political Science, supported by the Seminar in Comparative Political Economy at FLACSO México.