There are 4 repositories under hospital-information-management topic.
A complete open source for electronic healthcare record management in Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacy.
NodeJS web app for managing patients and planning their distribution across hospital’s rooms.
Hospital management System python
Hospital Management Information System Is More Advanced Hospital Information System Build On Orion HealthCare Hospital Management System
Dulce App é um aplicativo desenvolvido em react-native para auxiliar a organização de escalas de funcionários da área da saúde.
Create a complete responsive hospital / medical store / medical website design template using html css and vanilla javascript.
Hospital appointment and information system
Middle-ware for LIMS
Public SNIK Ontology. An ontology of information management in hospitals.
Dulce-API é a API do aplicativo Dulce,desenvolvida em node.js para planejamento e execução de escalas
Application d’éducation sur le paludisme et d’accès aux services de santé au Congo. / Application of education on malaria and access to health services in Congo.
eHOSP Services Community Edition (Main Server Platform)
This hospital system was built in 2014 for a 2nd year university project. LAMP stack (PHP/MySQL) with jQuery, Bootstrap, a Calendar Component and PDF Generator. Includes the ability to record and update patient data. Staff management, including the ability to assign Doctors and Nurses to patients. Schedule with a calendar component, and report generation.
Hospital management system made using mvc
Andriod Application for Hospital Management System
Interface para sistema de gerenciamento de leitos e clínicas de hospitais
A simple, easy-to understand example of a management system made with PHP and the MVC design pattern in a procedural approach.
A real-time android application about medical folders, using real-time Firebase database and cloud storage. In the enviroment of the hospital, authorized users such as doctors and hospital staff, can track their patients information. The application provides the users with medical tests and their results, medicine, notes, history and chat between the other users about the patient. The Firebase platform is being used for database, storage and authorization.
Working with a team to create a database of an arbitrary hospital's patient records and a website that serves as a front-end to access and query this database.
Web app of a hospital system
Monitoring Dashboard developed in React aimed at assisting patient monitoring especially in the context of Covid-19.
A webapp for managing patient registration, health check-ups and diagnosis-treatements.
Works with MySql DB
智慧医疗平台是一个先进的解决方案,旨在通过整合医院信息系统(HIS)、医疗共同体(医共体)以及先进的信息技术,为医疗服务提供全方位的支持。前端界面提供现代化的用户交互体验。为了更好地展示平台的功能和技术细节,我们提供了以下技术支持和服务:数据库结构:可以通过联系开发团队获得详细的数据库结构文档,帮助您更好地理解系统的数据组织方式。代码版本管理:如果您有兴趣查看或参与代码开发,可以通过联系开发团队来获取访问权限。软件定义开发:我们支持定制化的开发需求,可以根据客户的特定要求调整现有功能或新增功能模块。 如果您希望了解平台的实际运行效果,或是有意向进行深度合作,欢迎联系我们安排演示环境的访问。我们的联系方式是通过微信号:13335796557进行沟通。我们都期待着技术交流和商业合作。
Hospital and Patient Management site built with HTML, CSS, Javascript, bootstrap, and Codeigniter 3 for practise purpose and showcase my skills as a developer.
A complete open source for electronic healthcare record management in Hospitals, Clinics and Pharmacy. This application is made using ASP.NET MVC, C# , SQL Server
Backend of hospital information system.
MediPlus is a comprehensive Hospital Management System built using the MERN stack (MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, Node.js). This system is designed to streamline various operations within a hospital, including patient management, appointment scheduling, staff management, inventory management, billing, and more.