There are 119 repositories under django-project topic.
A modern theme based on vue+element-ui for django admin.一款基于vue+element-ui的django admin现代化主题。全球20000+网站都在使用!喜欢可以点个star✨
The Best Django Resource, Awesome Django for mature packages.
Django Ledger is a double entry accounting system and financial analysis engine built on the Django Web Framework.
A college management system built using Django framework. It is designed for interactions between students and teachers. Features include attendance, marks and time table.
A django app that allows the easy addition of Stack Overflow's "PageDown" markdown editor to a django form field, whether in a custom app or the Django Admin
This is a web-app created using Python, Django. By using this user can login, upload files and also can view and download files uploaded by other users.
opensource jobportal in python django
A blog application made with Django and bootstrap
Django Dashboards - Admin Panels coded in Django |
Django Dashboard Black - Open-source Seed Project | AppSeed
Fully Functional Stack Overflow Clone, with almost every functionality.
Django poll app is a full featured polling app. You have to register in this app to show the polls and to vote. If you already voted you can not vote again. Only the owner of a poll can add poll , edit poll, update poll, delete poll , add choice, update choice, delete choice and end a poll. If a poll is ended it can not be voted. Ended poll only shows user the final result of the poll. There is a search option for polls. Also user can filter polls by name, publish date, and by number of voted. Pagination will work even after applying filter.
Complete Django Ecommerce Project Course Tutorial Based on Amazon Clone "SuperCodersStore"
A quiz website for organizing online quizzes and tests. It's build using Python/Django and Bootstrap4 frameworks. 🤖
A Student-Teacher Portal built using HTML, CSS, Python and Django
链喵 CMDB 本项目已停止开发!因长时间未对代码进行维护,可能会造成项目在不同环境上无法部署、运行BUG等问题,请知晓!项目仅供参考!
A free, open-source Blog CMS based on the "Django" and "Editorial" HTML5 theme.
Django eCommerce tutorial for beginners
Dockerized Django with Postgres, Gunicorn, and Traefik or Caddy (with auto renew Let's Encrypt)
The Voting System web application using Django is a project that serves as the automated voting system of an organization or school. This system works like the common manual system of election voting system whereas this system must be populated by the list of the positions, candidates, and voters. This system can help a certain organization or school to minimize the voting time duration because aside they can provide the voters an online platform to vote, the system will automatically count the votes for each candidate. The system has 2 sides of the user interface which are the administrator and voters side. The admin user is in charge to populate and manage the data of the system and the voter side which is where the voters will choose their candidate and submit their votes.
Scalable Django E-Commerce, perfect to start one new online shop project.
Django CRM Project - Youtube Tutorial
A skeleton aka. template for Django projects
A Django SaaS boilerplate
A social media photo-sharing website built on the Django Framework.
An auth system for EVE Online to help in-game organizations manage online service access.
Django Dashboard - Atlantis Lite (Dark Version) |
An online based platform for multiple hospitals. Ability to track, monitor, and share a patient's health records between all hospitals. Patients can also see information regarding multiple hospitals and doctors, as well as take appointments via online. Pay laboratory tests via online as well as chat with appointed doctors.
Open source Django Project repository for beginners. @Hacktoberfest @Django
A simple todo app built with django
Student Result Management System written in Django web framework
A Developer Blog and Portfolio Website using Django and Tailwind CSS
An awesome Django + Bootstrap4 project template for Django 2.0+ include IOT restful api
A two-step verification for new accounts by verifying email.