There are 0 repository under furnace topic.
AMO-Tools-Desktop is an energy efficiency calculation application for use with industrial equipment such as pumps, furnaces, fans, and motors, as well as for industrial systems such as steam.
Data acquisition and processing framework for Ar-Ar geochronology and noble gas mass spectrometry
This repository has been deprecated and will no longer be maintained. Please use the MEASUR-Tools-Suite going forward. AMO-Tools-Suite is an energy efficiency calculation library in C++ with optional Nan Node add-on bindings for the Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing Office (DOE AMO) Desktop, also known as MEASUR.
To make custom furnace recipe ! pmmp plugins
Furnace's up-and-coming C64 hardware export for 0.7
A datapack for Minecraft Java Edition which aims to give more gold and iron from smelting. Versions 1.15/1.16/1.17
Quick smelting for the hurried traveler. Wooden furnaces and more! [Minecraft Fabric mod]
A library for furnace charge optimization
A variation of my PI controlled Temp / status monitors. This has a 2-wire sensor, Thermocouples, and adafruit temp/humid sensors. Send data to a Home Assistant Instance via MQTT Discovery.
Web version of charge optimization app
/feed, /furnace, /heal, /feedheal
Mod for Factorio which adds a furnace that let's you burn fuel to create pollution
interesting ways to manage resources with the blast furnace in minecraft
Power-efficient, 1100°C Capable Electric Furnace with Bespoke PID Controller
Part of ENHAMER "A System for Characterisation of Piezoelectric Materials and Associated Electronics for Vibration Powered Energy Harvesting Devices"
Project heater control
What tastes like chicken? Rotten flesh is what! Rotten chicken is a Minecraft datapack that lets you cook rotten flesh to produce delicious cooked chicken.
MEASUR-Tools-Suite is an energy efficiency calculation library in C++ with WebAssembly (WASM) for the Department of Energy Advanced Manufacturing and Materials Technologies Office and the Industrial Efficiency & Decarbonization Office (DOE AMMTO IEDO) Desktop, also known as MEASUR.
arduino PID temp controller for superconductor furnace
Designed to monitor the voltage of a thermocouple in a furnace and send an alert via sms using twillio.