There are 0 repository under lpsolve topic.
Linear Programming for Rust, with a user-friendly API. This crate allows modeling LP problems, and lets you solve them with various solvers.
lpsolve python extension for python 2.x and python 3.x. The lpsolve extension is ported to python3.x so that it works on both python2.x and python3.x.
This is an old R project of mine where I did a sales analysis with various visualizations for a Russian Beer Store dataset that I found on Kaggle.
A library for furnace charge optimization
This repository contains an R script for supply chain network optimization, designed as part of a Coursera Guided Project by instructor Moses Gummadi. It utilizes the "lpSolve API" library to minimize transportation costs while efficiently distributing goods between factories, distribution centers, and customers.
Practical assignments for the Deterministic Operations Research Models curricular unit at University of Minho
Web version of charge optimization app
RFE BSU operations research labs
Optimización de horarios de meseros y cocineros para un restaurante en base a las ventas generadas.
Script em R para raspar dados do jogo Grim Dawn
🔧 Additional PHP extensions for Heroku PHP Buildpack
Solveur du problème de K-coloration de graphe avec l'API C++ de lp_solve
Algorithmic Graph Theory CA3
Philip's progression of learning how to solve linear problems.
An R package aiming to help Business Analytics students of the University of Lausanne (HEC Lausanne) to select their classes, based on many constraints (total credits, madatory credits, elective credits, clashing classes, ...)
A toy manufacturing organization manufactures two types of toys A and B. What should be the manufacturing quantity for each of the toys to maximize the profits?