MEASUR Tools Suite is a cross-platform collection of calculations and tools to support industrial equipment modeling. See our hosted documentation for the latest release at
The npm packages can be downloaded and install from registry
- make
- CMake (cmake-curses to use the ccmake gui)
- GCC 4.8.5 or later
- Windows: MinGW or Cygwin or Visual Studio Build Tools or with other C++ compiler
- Doxygen (only for building documentation)
- Emscripten (emsdk) - Follow instructions for install
- Node LTS
into the emsdk directory:- run
emsdk install latest
followed byemsdk activate latest
- Activate PATH and other environment variables by running
or on Windows runemsdk_env.bat
- run
into MEASUR-Tools-Suite directory:- create directory
and cd into it - run
'emcmake cmake -DBUILD_WASM=ON ..'
- Note: If multiple compilers are present and default environment is not used, use -G "XXX Makefiles",
example for windows using MinGW =>
emcmake cmake -D BUILD_WASM=ON .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
- Note: If multiple compilers are present and default environment is not used, use -G "XXX Makefiles",
example for windows using MinGW =>
- run
emmake make
- create directory
- To run the WASM unit tests:
- Install node_modules dependencies:
into MEASUR-Tools-Suite directory and
runnpm install
followed bynpm run test-wasm
- Install node_modules dependencies:
- To build C++ unit tests, ensure the
flag is set (which is default) then:- create directory
and cd into it - run
'cmake ..'
- Note: If multiple compilers are present and default environment is not used, use -G "XXX Makefiles",
example for windows using MinGW =>
cmake .. -G "MinGW Makefiles"
- Note: If multiple compilers are present and default environment is not used, use -G "XXX Makefiles",
example for windows using MinGW =>
- run
'cmake --build .'
- execute
- create directory
- On MacOS or Linux, the test executable can be found under the
directory. On Windows, the executable can be found under either theDebug
directories, depending on CMake configuration
- Enable the
flag in the CMakeCache, thencmake ./
thenmake package
- Or use this directly for Windows:
andcmake --build . --config Release --target PACKAGE
- To make package on Linux or Mac, run
and set BUILD_TESTING OFF, BUILD_PACKAGE ON, then configure and generate. Thenmake package
- To generate documentation:
doxygen Doxyfile
To make it easy for developers local building and testing, it is dockerized. To run it in docker follow this steps.
- Download the repository
- Open command line tool, change directory to the repository run
docker compose up -d
- To stop the running container run
docker compose down
- Running Unit Tests
- WASM: in a browser, launch http://localhost:3000/
- C++: run
docker exec -it measur-tools-suite-build /bin/bash
and run the executable/home/MEASUR-Tools-Suite/build-cpp/cpp_tests
- Note:
- Every time the container is started it will rebuild the application, to check status run
docker compose logs --tail 5
- This is not a tutorial for docker, assumption is made the user is knowledgeable.
- Every time the container is started it will rebuild the application, to check status run
- Note: