There are 0 repository under formants topic.
STFT based real-time pitch and timbre shifting in C++ and Python
VST plugin that acts as a multi channel formant filter
Official JUCE plugin for stftPitchShift
Scripts for the acoustic-phonetic analysis of vowels
Python Procedure for Articulatory (sensor locations) and Acoustic Data (eg. formants) Extraction
Use formant values to synthesise vowels.
Vowel-only speech synthesis of input text using tone.js with formants based on RiTa.js phonemes
With this easy code, you can create your own personal vowel chart.
Real Time Channel Vocoder in Python
buinding a subtractive synth formants vowel (PT-Br)
Singing Voice Chord Recognition Algorithm - developed in Matlab
AERoPlot allows you to generate elegant plots from data in Praat.
86.53 - Algorithms used in speech recognition and application use of the HTK toolkit for a speech recognition system to make phone calls with voice.
A pitch shifting sheep living in your browser...
Speech processing: Vowel classifier based on formants and MFCC.