There are 0 repository under false topic.
🔧 🎨 HelMA - Haskellish Esoteric Little Minimal Automaton for Esoteric Languages implemented in Haskell
The ultimate library for getting false.
Little util function for simpler extracting Boolean values from ENV variables in Node.js.
A False compiler and interpreter written in ANS Forth
Is this value a JS Boolean? This module works cross-realm/iframe, and despite ES6 @@toStringTag.
Like other checkers, returns true if `value` is falsey. Strings, arrays and `arguments` objects with a length of `0`, and objects with no own enumerable properties are considered falsey. Will also check against user-defined "special cases".
if you need ignore your falsy value from your expression you can use this little package
Script to custom build pyinstaller to help prevent false positive viruses for Windows x64
Simple versions of coreutils and common Linux commands written in C
☀️ HelVM - Haskellish Esoteric Language VM (Vegan Metro) (Virtual Machine) implemented in Haskell
Test if a value is a boolean.
Extensión de Chrome que verifica la veracidad del texto seleccionado por el usuario. Para ello, utiliza el servicio de verificación de veracidad de OpenAI.
A function is a set of statements that performs a task or calculates a value.
PyPI package with some better syntax tools for python
Archive of Kang Seonghoon's esolang implementations in OCaml
A script and functions to group and validate MS Annika results.
Some knowledge about booleans data type in Python.
We have 2 types of characters, knights who always tell the truth and knaves who always lie. Given a set of sentences spoken these type of characters, the program has to determine whether that characters are a knight or a knave
Python Exercise using jupyter notebook
This paper develops new methods to handle false positives in High-Throughput Screening experiments. my first true or false
Extract the timestamps which players report other players in the game Dota 2.
Indicar salida en pantalla del programa JAVA con OPERADORES LOGICOS
Entrada de datos para OPERADORES TERNARIOS con Boolean
par o impar con boooooleanos
A True/False quiz game built-in Python by Object-Oriented Programming principles.
How to check in JavaScript if a value is primitive boolean (true or false)