There are 2 repositories under esp-01 topic.
PCF8574 library. i2c digital expander for Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266. Can read write digital values with only 2 wire. Very simple to use and encoder support.
Library to use pcf8591 i2c analog IC with Arduino, Raspberry Pi Pico and rp2040 boards, esp32, SMT32 and ESP8266. Can read analog value and write analog value with only 2 wire.
ESP uploader board for programming Espressif ESP series microcontrollers
Scanner WiFi avec écran OLED I2C (SSD1306) sur un ESP-01 (ESP8266)
FTP Client for esp8266 Arduino
Google Assistant with Arduino UNO and ESP8266
ESP01 / ESP8266 timing app to check various wifi connection strategies
Network neXt Time Protocol. Server in .NET Core, Clients for ZX Spectrum Next™ and .NET Core.
ESP8266-01 in-circuit firmware updater for the ZX Spectrum Next™
IoT app with using ESP8266 microprocessors and Linux backend REST server
MakeCode extension for ESP8266 and ThingSpeak
The board that simplify the flash write of the ESP-01
A mesh network to analyse a Arduino Weather Station data
Door Bell Switch with ESP-01 and MQTT for OpenHab
PCB design and firmware for Wi-Fi controlled LED dimmer
Temperature, humidity and air pressure sensor with blazing fast ESP-Now communication.
ESP8266 Thermo+Humi Sensor for RapidScada installation
Library that uses ESP AT serial commands and set it in Passthrough (transparent) Mode
Shows glucose level form Nightscout on Stm32F429I discovery board
this is a battery powered esp8266 based MQTT client which measures climate data
Lessmostat, the less is more esp8266 WIFI AC thermostat: less than $25 in amazon pieces, no soldering, no breadboarding, no need for AC C wire.
Arduino x ESP-01 Project | Personal Experiment
Hardware and software to create button type devices for multiple uses. Messages sent over ESP-Now or MQTT. DC or battery powered, can be triggered by SPST switches with low/high edge or by rocker switches (senses both edges).
Прошивка WiFi ESP8266 модуля для обработки входящих запросов, управления реле модулем.
ESP8266 / ESP-01 Serial Passthrough for serial console or flashing using Arduino SAMD MCU
A simple pcb on which you can connect 4 sensors to the 4 gpio pins, also it has a voltage stabilizer which can take up to 30V (so you can safely power it up from 5,12,24V source)
A little adapter board for connecting ESP-01 module as a debugger.
Collective resources of IoT.
Scans for wireless networks and displays resuts on a SSD1306 oled display.