There are 0 repository under disorder topic.
RecyclerView onItemClick、onItemLongClick、drag、swipe、divider、reuse disorder RecyclerView 梳理:点击&长按事件、分割线、拖曳排序、滑动删除、优雅解决 EditText 和 CheckBox 复用错乱问题、定向刷新、DiffUtil、局部刷新
Python library to compute properties of quantum tight binding models, including topological, electronic and magnetic properties and including the effect of many-body interactions.
Band structure unfolding made easy!
General purpose Slater-Koster tight-binding library for electronic structure calculations
Unsupervised fingerprinting of disordered solids leading to analogical materials discovery.
Artificial intelligence robot for children with autism
A package to calculate typical pair correlations, such as Percus-Yevick, and to calculate specific particle configurations from a given pair correlation.
Electronic transport of devices with random defects and inelastic scattering.
Disordered Methylammonium-Lead-Halide 1x1x1 Pseudocubic structures, codes and realisations
Program to perform Monte-Carlo simulation of disordered 3D Ising model.
Codes used in the company's studies on disorder and self-organisation.
Predicting genetic disorder and disorder subclass based on familial history and its effects
Attempting to learn how to code so that I can create a better food tracking application for disordered eating recoverees.
Kernel Polynomial Method implementation using Chebyshev expansion for disordered lattices.
This project represents my Master Studies final project. The main idea is to create metapredictor which will use the method of consensus to determine the structure of the proteins. In the paper, written in Serbian, you can find an explanation for all the methods and biology terms used during the development. The software, itself, will be fully in Python with ElectronJS and in English.
Un simple chequeo de asistencias
The positive symptoms typical of schizophrenia – such as delusions, hallucinations or formal thought disorders – often first appear in an attenuated or transient form during the initial prodromal phase
Healthy Kid application for Imagine Cup 2016 @ IIT
Codes to predict DoS of a polymer chain in vacuum with Python Tightbinding (Huckel model)