There are 2 repositories under directives topic.
A collection of nice Laravel Blade directives
My personal best practices when I'm working with Angular.
🔒 A Vue.js & Nuxt.js plugin that allows you to use roles and permissions in your components or DOM elements, also compatible as middleware and methods.
Declarative framework for interactive CLI applications
Commons and utils in angular for brazillian apps ( pipes / validators / directives / masks )
A reusable gauge directive for Angular 1.x apps and dashboards
preprocessor directives for jsx,tsx,js,ts,html,css,vue and more
A toolkit for building GraphQL
Vue Image Fallback
Blade Shortcuts is a library of handy Laravel Blade Directives.
CLAW Compiler for Performance Portability
Key Angular Concepts using Latest Angular version 5
A simple lightweight library for Angular which automatically updates links to indicate the currently active section in the viewport
Like apollo-tools for graphql-go
Vue directive for conditional rendering element on screen smaller than breakpoints
A number-only input element directive for AngularJS.
:mouse: Click-to-select inputs for Angular.
GraphQL schema directives to generate CRUD queries, mutations and resolvers which are automatically connected to a database.
An example repo to showcase some use cases for directives in Angular
Exemplos de uso de diretivas de compilação no Delphi / Examples of using compilation clauses in Delphi
A collection of minimalistic, easy-to-use and fully customizable Angular components, directives and services
Angular 4 Recipe Book Application
huge monorepo eslint vue react 文档博客 集成 各种设计模式 自定义 工具库 函数库 hook库 指令库 高级组件 按需加载 开箱即用 兼容 vue2 vue3 turborepo
Remark plugin to render callouts and admonitions with directives
VueDir is a lightweight library of custom directives for Vue.js.
✋ Stop propagation for everyday events with Angular directives 🎩
Trace your GraphQL API with OpenTelemetry.
The easiest and funniest way to validate Brazilian documents.
Template for directives
Angular library with directives, components, services, and others that are easily incorporated into your project while still giving you full control over how it looks in your project.
Directives for auto binding Input() and Output() from host component to inner in Angular9+ application
A simple and cool angular directive which interacts with OneDrive file pickers
Angular directive to indicate loads in app
A beginners to advanced, building block-step by step guide to Google Angular. We will learn basic to pro Angular latest concepts like component, interpolation, SPA, data binding, Directives, ngFor, ngIf, Service, Pipes, Dependency Injection (DI), HTTP and Observables, Routing etc.