There are 2 repositories under fortran-compiler topic.
Flang is a Fortran language front-end designed for integration with LLVM.
GNU Fortran (and GCC) compilers for macOS
AOMP is an open source Clang/LLVM based compiler with added support for the OpenMP® API on Radeon™ GPUs. Use this repository for releases, issues, documentation, packaging, and examples.
Fortran to WebAssembly
Links to Fortran compilers, preprocessors, formatters, static analyzers, transpilers, IDEs, build systems, etc.
An easy Windows installer for GFortran and the Fortran Package Manager
CLAW Compiler for Performance Portability
LLVM monorepo for integration with classic flang
action to install gfortran compiler
Links to Fortran compilers, tools, and codes
Code in this disscussion:
A limited fortran 77 compiler for URCL
action to install Intel OneAPI fortran compiler
A simple C# based command line shell with an editor, a spreadsheet, a Comal interpreter/compiler and a Fortran compiler.
A set of tools to test the applicability of compilers for a project of developing optimization solvers
OMNI Compiler Parsing Tests for complex code base