zero-one-code / vue-default-page

A Vue 3.0 custom directives plugin

Repository from Github https://github.comzero-one-code/vue-default-pageRepository from Github https://github.comzero-one-code/vue-default-page

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A Vue 3.0 custom directives plugin package, built-in with v-loading, v-skeleton, v-skeleton-avatar, v-skeleton-list, v-error, and v-empty default page directives, focusing on solving scenarios such as waiting, feedback, and error during network requests.

Table of Contents


npm i vue-default-page


Full Import

// main.js

// Import the directives
import vueDefaultPage from 'vue-default-page';

import { createApp } from 'vue';

const app = createApp();

// Register the directives
<!-- demo.vue -->

<div v-loading="true"></div>

Global Configuration

// main.js

app.use(vueDefaultPage, {
  background: '#000',
  loading: {
    iconColor: '#fff',
    miniIconColor: '#fff',
    textColor: '#fff',
Name Description Type Default
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff
loading v-loading configurations boolean / VdpLoading true
skeleton v-skeleton configurations boolean / VdpSkeleton true
skeletonAvatar v-skeleton-avatar configurations boolean / VdpSkeletonAvatar false
skeletonList v-skeleton-list configurations boolean / VdpSkeletonList false
error v-error configurations boolean / VdpError true
empty v-empty configurations boolean / VdpEmpty true

On-demand Import

// main.js

// Import the directive
import { vdpLoading } from 'vue-default-page';

import { createApp } from 'vue';

const app = createApp();

// Register the directive

On-demand Import Global Configuration

// main.js

app.use(vdpLoading, {
  background: '#000',
  iconColor: '#fff',
  miniIconColor: '#fff',
  textColor: '#fff',
Name Description Configurations Type
vdpLoading v-loading VdpLoading
vdpSkeleton v-skeleton VdpSkeleton
vdpSkeletonAvatar v-skeleton-avatar VdpSkeletonAvatar
vdpSkeletonList v-skeleton-list VdpSkeletonList
vdpError v-error VdpError
vdpEmpty v-empty VdpEmpty

Partial Import

<!-- demo.vue -->

<script setup lang="js">
  // Import the directives creation function
  import { createVueDefaultPage } from 'vue-default-page';
  // Create the directive
  const vLoading = createVueDefaultPage('loading');

  <div v-loading="true"></div>

Partial Import Configuration

Method 1: Configure in the directives creation function, the detailed configurations is consistent with On-demand Import Global Configuration.

<!-- demo.vue -->

<script setup lang="js">
  // Create the directive
  const vLoading = createVueDefaultPage('loading', {
    background: '#000',
    iconColor: '#fff',
    miniIconColor: '#fff',
    textColor: '#fff',

  <div v-loading="true"></div>

Method 2: Add attribute configurations to the element.

<!-- demo.vue -->


Common attribute configurations, for specific directive attribute configurations, please refer to the detailed sections below.

Name Description Type Default
vdp-z-index The stack level of the directive string 100
vdp-background Background color of the mask string #fff


<!-- demo.vue -->

<script setup lang="js">
  import { ref } from 'vue';
  // npm i vue-hooks-plus
  import { useRequest } from 'vue-hooks-plus';

  const data = ref([]);
  // Simulate the first request failure, and then refresh to request successfully.
  let times = 0;
  const api = () =>
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        data.value = Array.from({ length: 10 }, (v, k) => k);
        times ? resolve('Successful') : reject('Failed');
      }, 2000);

  const { loading, error, refresh } = useRequest(api);

  <div v-loading="loading" v-error="[!!error, refresh]" v-empty="!data.length">
    <div v-for="i in data" :key="i">{{ i }}</div>

Show Priority

When all directives are true, it will be shown according to the following priority.

v-loading > v-skeleton = v-skeleton-avatar = v-skeleton-list > v-error > v-empty


Custom icon, same configuration as v-error and v-empty.

<!-- demo.vue -->

<script setup lang="js">
  import { createVueDefaultPage } from 'vue-default-page';
  const icon = `<svg class="circle" xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 160 160">
  // Create the directive
  const vLoading = createVueDefaultPage('loading', {
    miniIcon: icon,

  <div v-loading="true"></div>

  .circle {
    display: block;
    animation: spin 1.5s ease-in-out infinite;
  @keyframes spin {
    100% {
      transform: rotate(360deg);


Name Description Type Default
enable Enable the directive (Enable when Global Configuration) boolean true
text Text string Loading…
textColor Text color string #999
iconColor Icon color (Disable when custom icon) string #bbb
miniIconColor Mini icon color (Disable when custom mini icon) string #bbb
icon Custom icon string
miniIcon Custom mini icon boolean / string true
iconMaxSize Maximum size of icon number / string 24
iconShowText Whether to show text when using large icon boolean true
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff

Attribute Configurations

Name Description Type Default
vdp-loading-text Text string Loading…
vdp-loading-text-color Text color string #999
vdp-loading-icon-color Icon color (Disable when custom icon) string #bbb
vdp-loading-mini-icon-color Mini icon color (Disable when custom mini ico) string #bbb
vdp-loading-icon Custom icon string
vdp-loading-mini-icon Custom mini icon string
vdp-loading-icon-max-size Maximum size of icon string 24


Default show avatar and list skeleton, can also be used independently.

<!-- demo.vue -->

  <div v-skeleton="true"></div>
  <div v-skeleton.avatar="true"></div>
  <div v-skeleton.list="true"></div>


Name Description Type Default
enable Enable the directive (Enable when Global Configuration) boolean true
animation Animation boolean / ('avatar' | 'list')[] / Animation true
avatarMaxSize Maximum size of avatar number / string 54
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff

Attribute Configurations

Name Description Type Default
vdp-skeleton-avatar-max-size Maximum size of avatar string 54


Name Description Type Default
avatar Enable avatar animation boolean true
list Enable list animation boolean true

Avatar or list skeleton can also be used individually by registering directives, but unlike other directives, these two are false by default and need to be manually enabled.

// main.js

app.use(vueDefaultPage, {
  skeletonAvatar: true,
  skeletonList: true,
<!-- demo.vue -->

  <div v-skeleton-avatar="true"></div>
  <div v-skeleton-list="true"></div>


Name Description Type Default
enable Enable the directive (Enable when Global Configuration) boolean false
animation Animation boolean true
avatarMaxSize Maximum size of avatar number / string 54
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff


Name Description Type Default
enable Enable the directive (Enable when Global Configuration) boolean false
animation Animation boolean true
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff


Like other directives, it can be controlled to show or hide using a Boolean.

<!-- demo.vue -->

  <div v-error="true"></div>

You can also pass a refresh function in an Array. For detailed usage, refer to Advanced.

<!-- demo.vue -->

  <div v-error="[error, () => {}]"></div>


Name Description Type Default
enable Enable the directive (Enable when Global Configuration) boolean true
text Text string Network Error
refreshText Refresh text (Enable when refresh function is passed) boolean / string , Click to Refresh
textColor Text color string #999
icon Custom icon string
miniIcon Custom mini icon boolean / string true
iconMaxSize Maximum size of icon number / string 180
iconShowText Whether to show text when using large icon boolean true
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff

Attribute Configurations

Name Description Type Default
vdp-error-text Text string Network Error
vdp-error-refresh-text Refresh text (Enable when refresh function is passed) string , Click to Refresh
vdp-error-text-color Text color string #999
vdp-error-icon Custom icon string
vdp-error-mini-icon Custom mini icon string
vdp-error-icon-max-size Maximum size of icon string 180


All directives will automatically adjust their height according to the container's size, and they have different display states.

<!-- demo.vue -->

  <div v-empty="true" style="height: 500px;"></div>
  <div v-empty="true"></div>

The maximum icon size can be adjusted using the iconMaxSize or the vdp-empty-icon-max-size (v-skeleton series directives allow only the avatarMaxSize to change the maximum avatar size).

<!-- demo.vue -->

    style="height: 500px;"


Name Description Type Default
enable Enable the directive (Enable when Global Configuration) boolean true
text Text string No Data
textColor Text color string #999
icon Custom icon string
miniIcon Custom mini icon boolean / string false
iconMaxSize Maximum size of icon number / string 180
iconShowText Whether to show text when using large boolean true
zIndex The stack level of the directive number / string 100
background Background color of the mask string #fff

Attribute Configurations

Name Description Type Default
vdp-empty-text Text string No Data
vdp-empty-text-color Text color string #999
vdp-empty-icon Custom icon string
vdp-empty-mini-icon Custom mini icon string
vdp-empty-icon-max-size Maximum size of icon string 180

Adapt to Mobile

Vue-Default-Page uses px by default and design width is 375. You can use plugins such as postcss-px-to-viewport to convert to viewport units.

// vite.config.js

import pxToViewport from 'postcss-px-to-viewport';

export default defineConfig(() => {
  return {
    css: {
      postcss: {
        plugins: [pxToViewport({ viewportWidth: 375 })],


Thank element-plus for providing inspiration.




A Vue 3.0 custom directives plugin

License:MIT License


Language:TypeScript 61.7%Language:Vue 31.5%Language:Less 5.4%Language:JavaScript 0.7%Language:HTML 0.7%