There are 0 repository under angularjs-directives topic.
AngularJS Chosen directive is an AngularJS Directive that brings the Chosen jQuery in a AngularJS way
Ignite UI extensions for AngularJS
Foundation 6 directives for Angular 1.5+
A reusable gauge directive for Angular 1.x apps and dashboards
Make your HTML tables look great on every device
Angular JS directive for Google AdSense advertisements.
Small material design autocomplete library for materializecss
AngularJS directive for the "multi-select" jQuery plugin
Modal simples usando angularjs e flexbox.
All codes I write while learning AngularJS, new commit = new Lesson.
An AngularJS (1.x) directive, wrapping the Genoverse genome browser.
AngularJS Dropdown treeselect component
AngularJS boilerplate - Apprentissage simplifié des composantes de AngularJS
Repository has set of folders each one has practice example of basic Angular features.
AngularJS UI Resizable directive - A mini port of the JQueryUI Resizable plugin
Materialize Css multiple select
Angular 1.x directive version of animatescroll.js
Create an AngularJS application which search Github user and its all details.
AngularJS eyedropper tool directive with no dependencies.
AngularJS Directive to go back to another page, it works by receiving a function by reference to be executed when the button is clicked.
An AngularJS directive written in TypeScript to help deal with forms
AngularJS directive to validate CPF/CNPJ numbers.
Angular directive for setting bitwise values for common crud type bits
An angularjs directive for autocomplete feature and network capability
Created a simple and elegant user interface to manage projects and tasks assigned to team members within those projects
Gulp Ng1 Catch up
Angular JS 'HotKey' Directives Project.
Angularjs DirectivePanel OnOff using switch
AngularJS — Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework