There are 0 repository under bilinear topic.
This is an implementation of Bilinear CNN for fine grained visual recognition using TensorFlow.
Hierarchical Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition reimplement in Pytorch.
Fast image interpolation using Metal
A pytorch reimplementation of Hierarchical Bilinear Pooling for Fine-Grained Visual Recognition in Resnet.
A pytorch implementation of Bilinear CNNs for Fine-grained Visual Recognition(BCNN).
Interpolation of gridded 2D ocean/atmosphere GCM data onto 1D satellite tracks + spectral analysis
Uwimg is a C package for images processing stuff callable in Python. It's an assignment of The Ancient Secrets of Computer vision CSE 455
This is a complete implementation of H.264 codec ported for TI C6000 DSP. By using linear assembly language, we can take full advantage of DSP architecture. We tried to optimize several core routines, including DCT, Intra-Predict, Inter-Predict, CABAC, etc. maintainers: @ustc-ivclab/x264-transplant
PEL (Pygame Effects Library)
Demosaicing a Bayer mask of a fitsfile for astronomical data.
A set of gentle 1st-order filter types for delicate emphasis/de-emphasis equalization of audio tracks (under construction)
College matching system, including training and prediction
Demonstration of basic image interpolation algorithms
A pid controller implementation featuring several transfer functions, backward euler or tustin integration, two anti-windup methods and a test simulation.
Resize interpolations nearest neighbor and bilinear, 2nd semester, 6th exercise, digital media.