daniel-ilett / cel-shading-urp

A cel-shading Shader Graph for Universal Render Pipeline.

Home Page:https://danielilett.com/2020-03-21-tut5-urp-cel-shading/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Cel-shading in Shader Graph and URP

A cel-shading tutorial for Unity Universal Render Pipeline and Shader Graph.

Cel-shading Banner


This project is an introduction to Shader Graph and Universal Render Pipeline. An accompanying tutorial article is available on danielilett.com - it'll make a lot more sense if you follow along on there!


This project was created using Unity 2019.3.0f6 and Universal Render Pipeline 7.1.8.


This project, and the corresponding tutorial series, were written by Daniel Ilett. Follow him on Twitter for more gamedev tutorials!


This project was released on March 21st, 2020. No more updates are planned, but more Shader Graph content will be coming to danielilett.com soon!


A cel-shading Shader Graph for Universal Render Pipeline.


License:MIT License


Language:Mathematica 58.1%Language:C# 39.8%Language:HLSL 2.1%