There are 1 repository under xcodegen topic.
A iOS application with layout based on App Store that can check the most starred and last updated Swift repository
The easiest way to start a new application project without any manual configuration
Cookiecutter and XcodeGen template for our iOS apps.
The template for SwiftPM-based highly modularized (iOS) applications
An iOS example project demonstrating advanced concepts
GIF app build with The Composable Architecture, XcodeGen, and Generic Protocol
Template for the development of native iOS and Android apps with shared business-logic using KMP, Redux architecture and XcodeGen.
A sample project for the iOS modularization article. User Interface is made using SwiftUI, navigation via UIKit, and modules via XcodeGen.
🏖📱 LongWeekend is iOS Application that supports checking long weekends when taking a vacation in Japan
Small template for iOS Xcode projects
Нативное приложение для сайта Anime 365, созданное специально для iPhone, iPad и Apple TV.
Generates Swift and Kotlin code with your Localized strings
An app dedicated to the study and implementation of SOLID, MVVM-C, Modularization, SwiftUI, Combine, SPM, XCodeGen, Makefile, SwiftGen, SwiftLint, iOS Automation, CI/CD (Jenkin, Fastlane, Github App) and other technologies and patterns.
The Iron Road for Children, IRFC for short, is Austria's largest open-brand festival weekend for bikes, Vespas and US cars.
Real examples of design patterns implemented in Swift
Sample Count Application + RxSwift
A tool to make .xcodeproj stable/minimize merge conflicts
An example project for simple management of the Swift CLI tools used in the build process.
カメラ 勉強用
This is an example project to test XcodeGen. The app does nothing.
MarcoPolo is a library that combines coordinator and internal deep linking in a unique and simple solution.
🛠 An useful project structure for creating effectively objective-c applications
iOS application for CA Tech Challenge ONLINE ACE created by @KS1019 and @techiro
Demonstrating iOS app development using XcodeGen + HotReloading.
A Pokedex for VisionPro app using MVVM-C with UIHostingController and VisionKit to identify the pokemons
Instagram app in 100 seconds using SwiftUI