There are 0 repository under danger-swift topic.
Automated Swift linting on pull requests
Show the coverage of the modified/created files on your PRs.
A Danger-Swift plugin that adds build errors, warnings and unit tests results generated from xcodebuild to your Danger report
Docker image for Danger-Swift using SwiftLint
Danger Swift plugin to run Periphery on CI.
DangerSwiftKantoku is a danger-swift plug-in to report xcresult in your PR.
"Everything can be fixed with a hammer." - Jeremy Clarkson
A Danger-Swift plugin to check commit messages.
Danger plugin for Jazzy, written in Swift
iOS application for CA Tech Challenge ONLINE ACE created by @KS1019 and @techiro
Example how implement CI in PullRequests with GithubActions
Modular Sloth Creator project for DocC and Danger Blog Posts on
A Danger-Swift plugin to link JIRA issues in a pull request - Supports GitLab and GitHub. Inspired by RestlessThinker/danger-jira.
A Danger plugin that detect references to issue tickets