There are 2 repositories under watts-strogatz topic.
Julia and Python complex system applications in ecology, epidemiology, sociology, economics & finance; network science models including Bianconi-Barabási, Barabási-Albert, Watts-Strogatz, Waxman Model & Erdős-Rényi; graph theory algorithms involving Gillespie, Bron Kerbosch, Ramsey, Bellman Ford, A*, Kruskal, Borůvka, Prim, Dijkstra, DSatur, Randomized Distributed, Vizing, Topological Sort, DFS, BFS
The exercise of the the course of Dynamical Models in Network Theory @IMT School For Advanced Studies Lucca
Agent-Based-Modelling Models
Various algorithms and models implementations, all related to graph theory and social networks.
Assignments of Complex System Modeling Class
Study, analysis and extraction of knowledge from the web and social networks.
Another graph library. Social networks, path-finding algorithms, graph generation, and more.
Review of different models for generating graphs.
"Small-world" graph generation and visualization
Data and code for our paper on social segregation and vaccination